COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OF STUDY CAREER ACADEMIES South Central Perkins Consortium Glenn Morris, Secondary Administrator Kathryn Rusch, Postsecondary Administrator.


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Presentation transcript:

COOPERATIVE PROGRAMS OF STUDY CAREER ACADEMIES South Central Perkins Consortium Glenn Morris, Secondary Administrator Kathryn Rusch, Postsecondary Administrator Minnesota Fall 2013 Career Technical Education Perkins Consortium Contacts/Coordinators Meeting “Shared Programming Across Districts through Secondary-Postsecondary Partnership” 11/13/2013 Normandale Community College

MVED MINNESOTA VALLEY EDUCATION DISTRICT: Cleveland Lake Crystal- Wellcome Memorial LeSueur- Henderson Nicollet Saint Clair Saint Peter (Host) with Tri-City United (Le Center Montgomery- Lonsdale) Pathway to Engineering Academy Agricultural Science Academy

SOUTHERN UNITED Blue Earth Area Janesville- Waldorf- Pemberton Lake Crystal- Wellcome Memorial Maple Rivers New Richland- Hartland- Ellendale-Geneva United South Central Saint Clair Waseca Mechatronics Academy Information Technology Academy

PLANNING PROCESS February 2013  Inquiry by superintendent to explore potential for college to collaborate in program with the district  Need defined for program that provides options to students who are not planning to go directly to college after graduation, such as industry certification and training.  District has facility but no teacher or program, and sought to explore potential for the college to offer a satellite program

PLANNING PROCESS March 2013  Following meeting at college, interest was expressed in having a conversation with proximate district superintendents and principals to explore potential for growing/developing cooperative career and technical education programs.

AGENDA  Districts meet to share current assets, desired programming, and local and regional resources available and needed for any desired outcomes.  Reporting was provided that listed all current CTE programs and course descriptions, instructors, and performance data, for all sites

AGENDA  Top 4 program areas of interest are selected:  Information Technology  Health Careers  Agriculture Science  Mechatronics

GOOGLE HANGOUT MEETING July 2013  Computer Careers instructors for South Central College invited to discuss potential for development of IT pathways  Option for New Multimedia Technology  Online -Virtual networking and mechatronics access available

MEETING HELD WITH SOUTH CENTRAL COLLEGE PRESIDENT AND ADMINISTRATORS, DISTRICT ADMINISTRATORS, AND PERKINS COORDINATORS August 2013  Opportunity to meet and share in goals for cooperative CTE program development  Potential partnership to establish:  Impact of NSF grant for virtual Mechatronics programming  Cohort model for course enrollment & delivery – PSEO-by-Contract  Online computer careers academy programming  Interest also shared by high schools to partner with the college to offer an option for students to acquire an AA degree prior to graduation from high school.

FOLLOW-UP MEETINGS September 2013  Principals and Counselors meet with SCC instructors to recommend development of a 4-course sequence in each pathway: Junior Year Foundation Courses, 1 each semester, Senior Year 3 rd Course Fall semester and Spring semester Internship/Capstone Project. College Credit and Industry Certification options are defined.  Superintendents and representative principals meet with SCC President and Administration, and based on needs identified by principals and counselors, determine rates for contract PSEO, concurrent enrollment, and advanced placement, as appropriate, and recommend tuition agreements for instruction between districts.

TIMELINE  In order for students to register for FY 2015 Fall Semester, need defined having ready for review and publication by no later than December 15 th:  Course Descriptions  Work-Based Learning Sites  Industry Certifications  Marketing and Communications  Registration Information

DECISION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACADEMY BEGINNING FALL 2014  Comp 1200 – PC Hardware/Software Essentials (1 semester)  Comp 1360 – Data Communications (1 semester)  Comp 1140 – Web Development (1 semester)  Internship/Capstone Project (1 semester)

DECISION MECHATRONICS ACADEMY – BEGINNING FALL 2014  MECA1122 – Electricity—Devices and Circuits 1 (1 semester)  MECA1220 – Mechanical Systems (1 semester)  MECA1250 – Mechatronics Systems Operations I (1 semester)  MECA2120 – Pneumatics Systems (1 semester)

DECISION HEALTH SCIENCE ACADEMY  Health Science Technology (Intro to Health Care Careers)  Anatomy and Physiology/Disease Conditions 1  Medical Terminology  Certified Nursing Assistant  Pharmacy Technician  Health Science Internship/Capstone Rather than a host district and business partner, each school will partner and work with area health care facilities for hands-on training.

JWPJanesville Nursing Home Waseca (Mayo) – scheduled meeting on 4pm New Richland Care Center Maple River/ Mapleton^St Lukes Lutheran Care Center (Blue Earth) Mapleton Community Home Parkview Care Center (Wells) ^Lake Shore Inn (Waseca) New Richland Care Center (very interested in partnering) *USC (Bricelyn, Wells, Keister, Easton)Parkview Care Center (Wells) Mayo Clinic (Wells) ^St Lukes Lutheran Care Center (Blue Earth) St ClairWaseca Medical Center (Mayo) Janesville Nursing Home New Richland Care Center Lake CrystalMadelia Community Hosp & Clinic Blue Earth United Hospital District ^St Lukes Lutheran Care Center (Blue Earth) ^Approved CNA Site

 Presentation Presentation