Content and Standards Content Area: Health and Wellness Grade Level: 9-12 Summary: The purpose of this PowerPoint is to see how much water one should drink in a day. Learning Objective: The student will assess the effects of nutritional choices and incorporate strategies that contribute to an improved quality of life. Content Standard: 3.3-The student will compare and contrast dietary guidelines. Accomplishment: At the end of this presentation, the student will know how much water is a healthy amount to drink according to several guidelines.
STEP 1 Go to Word and make a table that has 4 rows and 3 columns (see right). In the headers, put “Source”, “Amount Men” and “Amount Women”. Then in the first column, put in “Mayo Clinic”, “WebMD”, and “USDA”. SourceAmount Men Amount Women Mayo Clinic WebMD USDA
STEP 2 Start your research with the Mayo Clinic. Answer these questions below your table in word:Mayo Clinic 1. How much of your body weight is made up by water? 2. What can a lack of water lead to? 3. Which foods are made up of at least 90% water based on weight?
STEP 3 Now fill in the information found from the Mayo Clinic page to fill in its right column spaces.
STEP 4 Now research the article for water intake on WebMD. Use the reading to answer these questions:WebMD 1. How many ounces of water was thought to have been needed? 2. What are the percentages of intake for drinking water/beverages and intake for food? 3. Which foods are between 80 and 90% water, according to WebMD? Give the portion size.
STEP 5 Add in the information you found to the table in the spaces for WebMD.
STEP 6 Now read over the USDA findings from the Livestrong Foundation and answer these questions?Livestrong Foundation 1. According to the USDA, muscle tissue is composed of water and what? 2. How much water is in each serving of fruits? 3. What are some examples of when the body would use more water?
STEP 7 Record your information from the USDA article into the corresponding blank spaces.
STEP 8 Think-Pair-Share Part I Get with a partner and share your findings. Stick with your answers, but see if there are other interesting points from your classmates.
STEP 9 Now take your table and answers to the questions to write a paragraph about what was interesting about water intake. Here are some guiding questions: Is it just drinking water that helps with hydration? Was there anything surprising about what you read? Are you reaching the consumption levels described by the three different organizations?
STEP 10 Think-Pair-Share Part II Get with another partner and compare your paragraphs done in Step 9. Feel free to ask them questions and compare notes.
Summary You have now learned how much water/beverage consumption one would need in a day. Another thing you may have learned is food can be a good source of water too, such as lettuce and apples. Also, exercise and the environment you’re in can change how much water you need and how much you may use in order to cool your body down.