Creature Feature
Whale Shark The Biggest Fish in the Sea
Fast Facts Grow up to 60 ft in length Weigh up to 15 tons Life span between 70 – 100 years Found in tropical oceans and in the open sea
Filter Feeder Eats macro-algae, plankton, krill, and small squid or vertebrates Mouth can be up to 5 ft wide and can contain between 300 and 350 rows of tiny teeth. Use sense of smell to located lunch
Reproduction Ovoviviparous - the eggs remain in the body and the females give birth to live young Reach maturity around 25 years
Conservation Over-fishing and the popularity of shark fin soup have put a dent in the population of all sharks. The whale shark is particularly susceptible to reduced numbers because of the late age they reach sexual maturity. Sadly, the whale shark stands a decent chance at being harpooned before it can give birth, leading to dwindling numbers. Currently, the whale shark is listed as vulnerable by the World Conservation Union.