__________________ Mammals
Marine Mammals Mammals found in the ________________ Specially equipped for water environment ________________________ instead of feet Store _________________ of fat on their body Have ______________ that obtain oxygen and eliminate waste ___________________
Both ________________ have the tusks Up to 3’ long that are used to ________for food Grouped with ______________________ _______________ measure to ________’ long and weigh ____________ lbs.
Walrus __________ have young every ____ years Young live on mother’s ____________ for 2 years Enemies __________________, killer whales, and ___________________ bears
Ranges from _________ coastal waters of __________________ to South America Whale-like body is equipped with paddle- shaped ____________, a large ______ tail, and an upper lip covered with ___________ Can get as large as ____________ lbs. and as long as _________’
Manatee Now classed as an ___________ species and protected by law Only one species now exists in North America Cannot survive ________________________ below 46 degrees Greatest threat comes from motorboat ______________ that injure them before they dive to safety
Blue Whale
_______________ mammal to live on earth Reaches 100 feet ___________ and weighs as much as 150 ____________ Spend summers ______________ in arctic and goes ________________ in winter Only enemy is the ______________ whale, other than humans
Blue Whale Calf weighs 2 tons at birth Whale milk is high in _________ and _________________ compared to the milk of land mammals Calf consumes up to _________ lbs. of milk every day until it is weaned at about 7 mos. Old Calf will weigh around ___________ tons and measure 52’ long
Sperm Whale
Largest of the __________________ whales 50’ in length and has a large head and mouth Feeds on _____________ and ____________ Found in deep water Consume as much as a ____________ of food every day
Sperm Whale Live together in ___________ or herds of females and calves Bulls win ____________ positions by defeating their challengers and enter ____________ during breeding season Cows are very ____________________ of their calves, and remain with them even when they die
Killer Whale
_______________ and white in color Largest of the ____________________ Grow as large as 31’ and weigh _____ tons One of most feared predators in the ocean Hunt together with others and prey upon other large marine mammals (__________, penguins, walrus, and other whales) Coordinated effort on ___________________
Common Dolphin
Mature at length of 8’ and weigh up to ___________ lbs. Long, thin _______________ distinguish themselves from porpoises Catching _______________ makes up their diets
Common __________________ Often live together in large herds Are considered to be ________________ animals Often seen ____________ with boats and ships at sea
Harbor Porpoise
Medium-sized _______________ fin, black body, and light-colored belly ____________-shaped mouth differs, compared to dolphins Eats several ___________ of fish and is preyed upon by killer whales and sharks
Marine Mammals
Mammals found in the oceans Specially equipped for water environment Flippers instead of feet Store layers of fat on their body Have lungs that they obtain oxygen and eliminate waste gases
Both sexes have the tusks Up to 3’ long that are used to dig for food Grouped with seals Bulls measure to 13’ long and weigh 3,700 lbs.
Walrus Cows have young every 2 years Young live on mother’s milk for 2 years Enemies include humans, killer whales, and polar bears
Ranges from warm coastal waters of Florida to South America Whale-like body is equipped with paddle- shaped forelimbs, a large flat tail, and an upper lip covered with bristles Can get as large as 1,200 lbs. and as long as 15’
Manatee Now classed as an endangered species and protected by law Only one species now exists in North America Cannot survive temperatures below 46 degrees Greatest threat comes from motorboat props that injure them before they dive to safety
Blue Whale
Largest mammal to live on earth Reaches 100 feet long and weighs as much as 150 tons Spend summers feeding in arctic and goes south in winter Only enemy is the killer whale, other than humans
Blue Whale Calf weighs 2 tons at birth Whale milk is high in fat and protein compared to the milk of land mammals Calf consumes up to 200 lbs. of milk every day until it is weaned at about 7 mos. Old Calf will weigh around 23 tons and measure 52’ long
Sperm Whale
Largest of the toothed whales 50’ in length and has a large head and mouth Feeds on squid and octopus Found in deep water Consume as much as a ton of food every day
Sperm Whale Live together in pods or herds of females and calves Bulls win dominant positions by defeating their challengers and enter herds during breeding season Cows are very protective of their calves, and remain with them even when they die
Killer Whale
Black and white in color Largest of the dolphins Grow as large as 31’ and weigh 8 tons One of most feared predators in the ocean Hunt together with others and prey upon other large marine mammals (seals, penguins, walrus, and other whales) Coordinated effort on prey
Common Dolphin
Mature at length of 8’ and weigh up to 180 lbs. Long, thin jaws distinguish themselves from porpoises Catching fish makes up their diets
Common Dolphin Often live together in large herds Are considered to be intelligent animals Often seen swimming with boats and ships at sea
Harbor Porpoise
Medium-sized dorsal fin, black body, and light-colored belly Flat-shaped mouth differs, compared to dolphins Eats several types of fish and is preyed upon by killer whales and sharks