Importance of marine research in Iceland
Increased internationalemphasis on ecosystem approach to management - ICES-NAFO? FAO NAMMCO IWC +?
Multispecies approach in Iceland –Increased emphasis on multispecies management of fisheries in Iceland –MRI’s multispecies research programme –Use of multispecies approach in management in Iceland –Cetaceans not included
Cetacean research programme –10 separate research areas –Greatly increased the knowledge of the state of the exploited whale stocks off Iceland –Still important gaps in knowledge –14 years without research on basic biological parameters –Increase in population size of fin whales –Density dependent response?
Overview –Present knowledge and research needs –Objectives –Methodology –Effect of the catches on the stocks
Research needs –Feeding ecology and multispecies models –Population structure –Population dynamics –Applicability of alternative research methods
Research needs Cetacean research needed for modelling: –Diet composition - (including length distribution of some prey species) –Energetics - consumption rates –Seasonal distribution and abundance Multispecies models Increased knowledge on the role of cetaceans in the marine ecosystem in Icelandic waters is needed for improved multi-species management of fisheries in the area
GADGET –Globally applicable Area Disaggregated General Ecosystem Toolbox –Modelling framework based on Bormicon –Fish species included in model: capelin, cod –Data requirements: From none to enormous
Cetacean data requirements –Prey composition by species –Seasonal differences in feeding/abundance –Spatial differences in feeding/abundance –Maximum consumption –Spatial/temporal distribution of different stocks
Research needs Population dynamics – Density dependence of biological parameters – Reproductive parameters v/s energetic condition – Health status of populations
Research needs Stock structure – Genetics – Satellite telemetry – Other methods
Research needs –Applicability of biopsies Feeding studies –Fatty acid profiles –Stable isotope ratios Pollutants –Outer blubber layers –Acid racemisation Age determination -Eye lens Alternative research methods
Overall Objectives Feasibility study - Create basis for a future full scale study Increase the understanding of the feeding ecology and biology (including potential density dependence) of important cetacean species in Icelandic waters for improved management of living resources based on an ecosystem approach Increase the understanding of 1) stock structure on macro- and microgeographic scale 2) Health issues, including age and sex dependent aspects of pollutant levels in different organs and tissues and possible disease induced mortality in Icelandic whale populations. Testing the applicability of alternative research methods.
Minke whale
Objectives - Minke whale 1Feeding ecology 2Stock structure 3Parasites and Pathology 4Biological parameters 5Pollutants 6Applicability of alternative research methods
Objectives - Minke whale 1Feeding ecology –Diet composition Stomach contents Spatial and temporal variation Prey availability non-lethal methods (fatty acids and stable isotope ratios) –Energetics Body condition Field metabolic rate
Objectives - Minke whale 1Feeding ecology –Seasonal and geographical variation in minke whale abundance Aerial and shipboard surveys Satellite tagging –Multispecies model
Objectives - Minke whale 2Stock structure –Genetics Macrogeography - Comparison to Greenland and Norway Temporal variation and heterogeneity with respect to possible mixing at the feeding grounds Effects of 18 years of protection on genetic composition (stock expansion or decline) Individual identification registry
Objectives - Minke whale 2Stock structure –Telemetry Autumn migration - wintering grounds Movements within summer feeding season
Objectives - Minke whale 2Stock structure –Analysis of other potential indicators of stock structure Pollutants Morphology Parasites Biological parameters
Objectives - Minke whale 3Parasites and Pathology –Examination of potential harmful or lethal pathogens –Attempts to evaluate disease induced mortality rate –Minke whale´s role in Anisakis simplex life cycle
Objectives - Minke whale 4Biological parameters –Temporal changes in growth and reproductive parameters –Age determination Ear plugs Amino acid racemization (eye lens)
Objectives - Minke whale 5Pollutants –Organochlorines and trace elements in respect to: Biological parameters (age, sex, maturity, feeding ecology) Trophic status ( 15 N and 13 C) Health status and pathological observations Geographical variation on small and large scale Various tissues and locations in the blubber core
Objectives - Minke whale 6Applicability of alternative research methods –Applicability of biopsies Feeding studies –Fatty acid profiles and stable isotope ratios v.s. stomach contents Pollutants –Skin and outer layers of blubber v.s. inner layers and various tissues –Acid racemisation Age determination -Eye lens
Research Methods Whale sampling - Minke whale –100 animals per year –Temporally and spatially stratified sampling scheme Overlap in distribution of cod and minke whale Whale abundance –Geographical scale –Temporal scale –Area division applied from Icelandic multispecies model (Bormicon)
Distribution of minke whale sightings during NASS-2001
Subdivision of the Icelandic continental shelf area into sampling areas (small numbers) and the estimated abundance of minke whales in each subarea (large numbers).
Temporal and spatial distribution of the proposed catch of minke whales in the two study years.
Dissection –Blood and eyeballs immediately after death –Photographs –Weight of gonads –Standard morphometric measurements –Girth measured (6 sites) –Blubber thickness measured (18 sites) –Blubber and skin samples (18 sites)
Sites of measurements of blubber thickness (D1-V6) and girth (G1-G6)
Dissection –Photographs –Standard morphometric measurements –Girth measured (6 sites) –Blubber thickness measured (18 sites) –Blubber and skin samples (18 sites) –External parasites –Bacterial and viral samples taken from lesions
Dissection - samples Stomach –Measurements of volume of forestomach contents –Differently sized particles separated –Preserved frozen or in formalin –Visual assessment of quantities of food remains in different compartments of digestive tract
Dissection - samples Ovaries (weighed and sampled whole) - (reproduction) Mammary gland (section) - (milk production) Testes (weighed whole and two samples taken) - (reproduction) Ear plugs - (age) Skin - (genetics, pollutants) Muscle - (energetics, genetics, pollutants) Liver, heart, kidney, lung (sections) - (energetics, genetics, pollutants)
Dissection - pathology Minke whale Detailed necropsy of 50 individuals in first year: –Visual identification of external lesions and in all major organs –Samples from lesions for microscopic histopathology and microbiology –Blood samples for blood chemistry, hematology and serology –Urea for renal function –Representative parasite specimens for identification
Laboratory work Feeding ecology –Stomach contents –Fatty acid profiles –Stable isotope ratios –Energetics
Laboratory work Feeding ecology - Fatty acid profiles Prey species - krill (spring/autumn), capelin, sandeel, cod, redfish –Lipid extraction –Fatty acid analysis –Samples analysed Blubber - inner, mid and outer region of the core Blood
Laboratory work Feeding ecology - Stable isotope ratio –Samples analysed (30 minke, 30 fin and 15 sei whale) Skin Blood Prey species - krill (spring/autumn), capelin, sandeel, cod, redfish –Analyses of the 15 N/ 14 N and 13 C/ 12 C ratios
Laboratory work Biological parameters –Reproduction Corpora counts; histological examination of testes –Age determination Ear plugs Eye lens (racemization)
Laboratory work Stock structure –Genetics –Satellite monitoring –Other methods
Laboratory work Pathology –Blood chemistry –Hematology –Serology –Urinalysis –Microbiology –Histology –Electron microscopy –Parasitology
Laboratory work Pollutants –Trace elements –PCBs and pesticides –PBDEs –Dioxins and dioxinlike PCBs –PAHs
Seasonal variation in whale abundance –Aerial surveys three times each year –Shipboard surveys in conjunction with fish and oceanographic surveys
Prey availability –Combined fish/oceanographic/whale surveys –Analysis of existing data on distribution of whales and potential prey species –Testing different sampling methods for estimating krill abundance
Effects of Catches on the stock –Abundance estimate for Icelandic coastal waters in 2001: (CV 0.19) –Assessments in 1990 (IWC) and 1998 (NAMMCO)
Fin whales
Objectives - Fin whale 1Biological parameters 2Feeding ecology 3Parasites and Pathology (follow up study) Crassicauda infections 4Stock structure 5Pollutants 6Applicability of non-lethal research methods
Objectives - Fin whale 1Biological parameters –Temporal changes in growth and reproduction simultaneous to apparent changes in abundance –Age determination Ear plugs Amino acid racemisation (eye lens)
Objectives - Fin whale 2Feeding ecology –Diet composition Stomach contents Prey availability Geographical variation Non-lethal methods (fatty acids and stable isotope ratios) –Energetics –Seasonal and geographical variation in fin whale abundance Aerial and shipboard surveys Satellite tagging –Multispecies modeling
Objectives - Fin whale 3Parasites and Pathology –Crassicauda infections (follow up study) Immunity Pathogenesis Morbidity Attempts to evaluate Crassicauda induced mortality rate
Objectives - Fin whale 4Stock structure –Genetics Macrogeography - Comparison to Greenland, Norway and Faroes Temporal variation and heterogeneity with respect to possible mixing at the feeding grounds Effects of 14 years of protection on genetic composition (stock expansion or decline) Individual identification registry
Objectives - Fin whale 4Stock structure –Telemetry Autumn migration - wintering grounds Movements within summer feeding season Respiratory frequency –calculation on metabolic rate (energetics) –abundance estimation
Objectives - Fin whale 4Stock structure –Analysis of potential indicators of stock structure Pollutants Morphology Parasites Biological parameters
Objectives - Fin whale 5Pollutants –Organochlorines and trace elements with respect to: Biological parameters (age, sex, maturity, feeding ecology) Trophic status ( 15 N and 13 C) Health status and pathological observations Geographical variation on small and large scale Various tissues and locations in the blubber core
Objectives - Fin whale 6Applicability of non-lethal research methods –Diet analyses Stomach contents v.s. fatty acid profiles and stable isotope ratios –Pollutants Skin and outer layers of blubber v.s. inner layers and various tissues
Research Methods Whale sampling - Fin whale –100 animals per year –Stratified sampling scheme. Traditional whaling grounds off W-Iceland –Comparison of biological parameters from previous catch Eastern area –Feeding ecology –Stock structure
Distribution of fin whale sightings during NASS-2001
Research Methods Whale sampling - Fin whale –100 animals per year –Stratified sampling scheme. Traditional whaling grounds off W-Iceland –Comparison of biological parameters from previous catch Eastern area –Feeding ecology –Stock structure
Subdivision of the Icelandic EEZ with respect to fin whale sampling areas.
Dissection - pathology Fin whale –Gross inspection of total 200 individuals: Giant kidney worm (Crassicauda) Samples from lesions for microscopic histopathology Blood samples for blood chemistry, hematology and serology Urea for renal function Representative parasite specimens for identification
Effects of Catches on the stock Abundance estimate in 2001: (c.v. 0.13) Assessments in 1991 (IWC) and 1999 (NAMMCO)
Sei whale
Objectives - Sei whale 1Biological parameters 2Parasites and Pathology (follow up study) Bolbosoma spp in colon Viral and bacterial infections in lungs External lesions 3Stock structure 4Pollutants 5Feeding ecology 6Applicability of non-lethal research methods
Research Methods Whale sampling - Sei whales –50 animals per year –Opportunistic sampling
Dissection - pathology Sei whale –Gross inspection of total 100 individuals: Bolbosoma spp infections in colon External lesions Samples from lesions for microscopic histopathology Blood samples for blood chemistry, hematology and serology Urea for renal function Representative parasite specimens for identification
Effects of Catches on the stock –No formal assessment –Abundance estimate in 1989: (CV 0.268) - negatively biased –Mean annual catch since 1948: 68 (corresponding to 0.7% of the above stock size)
Participation by foreign scientists in research on caught whales will be welcome, provided their research does not interfere with, or duplicates research planned in the present project. This could be either by direct involvement of foreign scientists in data collection at the dissection sites for their own research projects, or that the MRI arranges for data/samples to be collected upon request.
Laboratory work Stock structure - Genetics –XXXXXXXXXXXX
Laboratory work Stock structure - Satellite monitoring –XXXXXXXXXXXX
Laboratory work Stock structure - Other methods –XXXXXXXXXXXX
Laboratory work Pathology - Blood chemistry –Xxxxxxxxxx
Laboratory work Pathology - Hematology –Xxxxxxxxxx
Laboratory work Pathology - Serology –Xxxxxxxxxx
Laboratory work Pathology - Urinalysis –Xxxxxxxxxx
Laboratory work Pathology - Microbiology –Xxxxxxxxxx
Laboratory work Pathology - Histology –Xxxxxxxxxx
Laboratory work Pathology - Electron microscopy –Xxxxxxxxxx
Laboratory work Pathology - Parasitology –Xxxxxxxxxx
.Trophic interactions
Relative seasonal abundance
Estimated amount of prey consumed by cetaceans in Icelandic waters