Summit Hill Elementary Art EDventures “Whaling Walls” 1 st Grade/Science Basic Needs of Livings Things Wyland Brought to you by S.H.E. PTA PLEASE NOTE: This presentation is to be used for educational purposes only. Do not reproduce.
Meet Wyland Present “Whether through art, science, or a simple concern for a healthier, beautiful planet, our hope is to inspire children … everywhere about the beauty of our water planet.” - Wyland
Learning About The Ocean When Wyland was small, he dreamed about becoming a marine explorer like his hero, Jacques Cousteau. Captain Cousteau created many television shows that taught families about the living seas – the habitat for many sea creatures. Wyland’s favorite show was about whales. He told his parents that he wanted to dive with whales one day. Jacques Cousteau’s shows taught Wyland about the importance of taking care of the oceans and the animals that lived there.
#33 Long Beach, California Painting the Oceans When Wyland went to college and he studied art. But he never forgot about Captain Cousteau’s lessons about ocean environments. He started painting small pictures of ocean habitats but nobody wanted them! Then, he decided to create large pictures, or murals. Murals are gigantic pictures that are painted right on to walls. Here’s Wyland and some of his massive murals. (Hit enter–pause-hit enter) A whale wouldn’t fit on a small piece of paper. Would it? So he decided to use the entire side of a building. (Hit enter–pause-hit enter) 5
Whaling Walls People all over the world loved Wyland’s whale murals. (Hit enter) They asked him to create more and more walls. Each one has a different whale. (Hit enter) Which whale is painted in Housont,Texas? (Hit enter) What creatures to do see in Key Largo, Florida? (Hit enter) Right now, there are 99 Whaling Walls…and, he hopes to have 100 by the 2008 Summer Olympics in China. How many does he have left? 4 #95 Key Largo, Florida #82 Houston, Texas #76 Detroit, Michigan
Whaling Walls We have our very own Wyland Whaling Wall in Atlanta! Have you seen it? What type of whales are in our mural? Where is their habitat? What do they need to live? Wyland painted this mural to remind visitors that all sea animals need healthy oceans—especially clean water. #50 Underground Atlanta
Art for the Oceans Wyland creates lots of other types of art. Such as: –Sculptures “Orca Dream”
Art for the Oceans Wyland creates lots of other types of art. Such as: –Sculptures –Paintings “Year of the Reef” Who lives in this habitat? What would happen if it got polluted?
Art for the Oceans Wyland creates lots of other types of art. Such as: –Sculptures –Paintings –Photography “Bull Shark Sea” Are sharks fish? Can a shark live without water?
Art for the Oceans Wyland creates lots of other types of art. Such as: –Sculptures –Paintings –Photography Sometimes, unexpected guests can be found in his art work. Who do you see in this warm water habitat? (Hit enter ) “Dive Buddies” “Little Mermaid Love”
Art for the Oceans Just like Jacques Cousteau, Wyland hopes that everyone (especially kids) will remember to keep the oceans clean so that whales and other marine creatures will be safe forever. Now it’s your turn to create Art for the Ocean Just like Wyland! Tiger Shark Sea Endangered Manatees Breach for the Sky
Art EDventures Sample Beluga Whale Sculpture
Project Art EDventures Assemble the base –Put glue in the hole. –Put dowel in the hole. –Sing you name and “Draw the Paw.” Design Sea Floor –Take ½ oz of Model Magic Clay. –Form it over the wooden base to resemble an ocean floor. –Paint the “sea floor” in greens and blues. –Add shells and put aside. Create your Whale –Take 1 oz of Model Magic Clay. Put aside a small piece. –Create a hot dog shape. –Flatten one end and form it into a tail. Stretch the end to elongate the tail. –At the other end form a head. Use toothpicks to make a mouth –Use the extra clay to add a dorsal fin and flippers.
Project Art EDventures Decorate your Whale –Use a toothpick to add other details like gills on a shark. –Use the back of a paintbrush to add a blowhole. –Be creative! Open the animals mouth and add teeth! Paint your Whale –Use paints to finish decorating your whale. Mount your Whale –Carefully place your whale on the dowel. –The whale must be upright with the mount facing toward the ceiling. –The tail must be wrapped around the dowel.
This is Wyland’s whale shark. He painted it on canvass and it now hangs in the G Aquarium! 15
Supply List White Model Magic Clay oz per child Wood Block -with hole in center (one per child) Wood Dowel -cut to about 3 inches (one per child) Green and Blue paint – different hues and shades. 3-4 per table. Assorted paints for sea creature (black for orca, grey/silver for whales or dolphins etc.) Toothpicks- for embellishing Glue -to stick dowel into the base Sharpie- to mark the base with name and paw
Curriculum Tie Science/Basic Needs of Living Things S1L1 A. Identify the basic needs of a plant: Air, Water, Light, Nutrients B. Identify the basic needs of a living animal: Air, Water, Light, Shelter C. Identify the parts of a plant-root, stem. Leaf and flower. Compare and describe various animals - appearance, motion, growth, basic needs. S1CS7. Much can be learned about plants and animals by observing them closely; care must be taken to know the needs of living things and how to provide for them. Advantage can be taken of class pets. S1CS6 All different kinds of people can be and are scientists. (We use Jacques Cousteau.) S1CS4 Students will use the ideas of system, model, change and scale in exploring scientific and technical matters. Use a model-such as toy or picture- to describe a feature of a primary thing. Describe changed in the size, weight, color or movement of things, and note which of their other qualities remain the same during a specific change. Compare very different sizes, weights, ages (baby/adult), and speeds (fast/slow) of both human and natural things.
Dear Mom, Dad or Caretaker, Today in Art EDventures we learned about Wyland and his ocean art. He’s part marine explorer, part teacher and part artist. Wyland has painted 100 Whaling Walls all around the world – from Underground Atlanta, all the way to China! His murals show huge whales in their ocean habitats. He paints them because he wants everyone to keep the Earth’s waters clean. Ask me about the awesome whale sculpture that I made like Wyland and the kinds of things whales need to live. Art EDventures Made possible with your donations to S.H.E.’s PTA Wyland Dear Mom, Dad or Caretaker, Today in Art EDventures we learned about Wyland and his ocean art. He’s part marine explorer, part teacher and part artist. Wyland has painted 100 Whaling Walls all around the world – from Underground Atlanta, all the way to China! His murals show huge whales in their ocean habitats. He paints them because he wants everyone to keep the Earth’s waters clean. Ask me about the awesome whale sculpture I made like Wyland and the kinds of things whales need to live! Art EDventures Made possible with your donations to S.H.E.’s PTA “ Orca Dream” Bronze Sculpture Wyland “ Orca Dream” Bronze Sculpture