April B.
Which whales are endangered in the Pacific Ocean? The Blue whale The Humpback Whale The Gray Whale
The Blue Whale o They can swim very well o They have got very big fins o They weigh one hundred fifteen tons o They live off the Pacific Coast and migrate to Mexico o Blue whales are mammals o They live for about 80 years o They eat crustaceans and fish o They eat can eat up to 40 million krill
The Humpback Whale They have long black and white fins The males sing the loudest They are known for their magical songs In winter they live off their fat They are hunted by whalers They are warm blooded They are mammals
The Grey Whale They have two blow holes They eat off the sea floor They travel night and day They are a gray color
Why are these whales endangered? Whales are endangered because of overfishing, pollution, boating and commercial whaling, but commercial whaling has had the largest affect on the endangered status of today’s existing whale populations.
What can we do to help the whales? Have laws to keep the whales safe. Laws need to be in place to keep them from being injured and killed. Do not destroy their habitat. We need to keep our ocean waters clean and not pollute them. Donate money to organizations that help the whales