What is a whale? A whale is a large fish found in the ocean. It is also a MAMMAL, just like us! Mammals are warm-blooded, breathe air, nurse their young with milk, and have body hair.
Fun Facts about Whales!
Movement A whale swims through the water using its streamlined body. The picture shows how a streamlined body moves through the water! The whale’s large body pushes the water behind it.
Movement Whales have large muscular tails called FLUKES. They swim fast through the ocean with there flukes going up and down.
Let’s all draw FLUKES! (Draw flukes on colored construction paper!)
There’s only TWO animals in the world who spend their whole life underwater. The WHALE is one of them!
Blowhole Whales breathe through large blowholes on the top of their head. All fish breathe through gills on the side of their bodies, the whale does not.
The Biggest Whale! The Blue Whale is the largest out of all the whales. It is as tall as a ten story building. Largest animal in the world! Bigger than any dinosaur!
Different kinds of WHALES!
The Killer Whale The Killer Whale is also called the Orca Whale. It is black and white and feeds on large fish, squid, and sometimes dolphins and seals.
The Humpback Whale The Humpback Whale is also called the Baleen Whale. These whales sing and make song-like noises underwater to talk to other fish! They have rounded backs and long flippers.
The Beluga Whale The Beluga Whale is found in the Arctic and is colored all while. It is also called the White Whale.
The Finback Whale The Finback Whale is also called the Fin Whale. It is smaller in size. It is grey and found in all the oceans around the world! They are found in large groups 200!