Turn in MLA work on the stool. Turn in Creation Myth Charts on my desk. Pass annotated creation stories to the front of the row (make sure your name is on it!)
Homework: Check your grade on Infinite Campus! Turn in warm-ups on the stool after class.
STANDARDS Reading 3.7a: Contrast the major literary forms, techniques, and characteristics…
WHALE RIDER We are going to watch a movie that has a great example of an ancient mythological story. Whale Rider is a story from the New Zealand culture. It doesn’t describe a creation story, but it does included a “ migration story” (i.e. a mythological story about how the New Zealand natives arrived on the island from Hawaiki).
WHALE RIDER Aside from the “migration myth”, we will be watching the movie (originally a novel) to examine cultural beliefs. Pay attention to what we learn about the beliefs of males and females that the society has. Pay attention also to the religion and traditions that the Maori people practice. Also, keep in mind the symbolism of “whales” and how they are involved in the Maori people’s “pourquoi” story.
WHALE RIDER Aside from the “migration myth”, we will be watching the movie (originally a novel) to examine cultural beliefs. Pay attention to what we learn about the beliefs of males and females that the society has. Pay attention also to the religion and traditions that the Maori people practice. Also, keep in mind the symbolism of “whales” and how they are involved in the Maori people’s “pourquoi” story.