Cetaceans (dolphins, whales & porpoises) Pinnipeds (seals) Sea Turtles Manatees Protected Marine Species of Concern in Virginia
Known Threats to Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles Fishery interaction (commercial & recreational) Fishery interaction (commercial & recreational) -Entanglement -Ingestion -Competition Vessel interaction Vessel interaction -Propeller strike -Blunt trauma -Noise
Panel Questions What do we know about the marine environment and bird life offshore of Virginia?What do we know about the marine environment and bird life offshore of Virginia? –Species presence >30 marine mammal & sea turtle species –Major migratory corridor for ESA listed: Northern right whale, humpback whale, fin whale, loggerhead sea turtle, Kemp’s ridley & leatherback sea turtles What don't we know?What don't we know? –Density estimates, seasonal distribution, environmental correlates, population status of many species
Example: N Atlantic right whale
Panel Questions What are the most pressing issues for research?What are the most pressing issues for research? -Collecting baseline data on protected species abundance & distribution Which species should we be most concerned about at this point?Which species should we be most concerned about at this point? -Endangered whales Right Humpback Fin
Can we generalize from research and experience elsewhere in the U.S. and in Europe? Can we generalize from research and experience elsewhere in the U.S. and in Europe? Not really since there are SIGNIFICANT differences between the US Mid-Atlantic & the North Sea in Europe. Panel Questions VirginiaNorth Sea - open ocean- enclosed sea - temperate- sub-polar - Gulf stream - migratory corridor - different species - larger structures planned
What aspects of the OSW development process pose threats to marine life, and are there ways to mitigate? What aspects of the OSW development process pose threats to marine life, and are there ways to mitigate? All aspects of offshore energy development (renewable or not) pose risks to the environment. Many risks can be mitigated, but: mitigation = REDUCTION of risk NOT ELIMINATION of risk Although there are DIRECT threats associated with OSW, there are also potentially significant INDIRECT threats such as DISPLACEMENT of human and animal activities into greater conflict. Panel Questions
Direct threats to marine mammals and sea turtles are those activities that are the DIRECT result of OSW development. They include: vessel interactions vessel interactions collision/entanglement with structure(s) collision/entanglement with structure(s) displacement/avoidance or injury due to noise/vibration displacement/avoidance or injury due to noise/vibration associated with construction or operations associated with construction or operations Indirect threats to marine mammals and sea turtles are largely of unknown scale and include: effects on prey species effects on prey species increased risk of fishery & vessel interaction via displacement out of WEAs increased risk of fishery & vessel interaction via displacement out of WEAs Direct vs. Indirect Threats
Why concerns about DISPLACEMENT? The waters off VA are CROWDED with competing human activities: Shipping Shipping Commercial fishing Commercial fishing -Nets -Pots -Dredge & trawl -Purse seine Recreational fishing = 100s of boats anchored & trolling Recreational fishing = 100s of boats anchored & trolling Military training exercises – VACAPES = hundreds per year Military training exercises – VACAPES = hundreds per year Naval deployments Naval deployments
Sample of 5 days of shipping per month off VA for one year (April 2008-Mar 2009) Each line = 1 ship WEA
Density of shipping per month off VA for one year (April 2008-Mar 2009)
Why concerns about DISPLACEMENT? We have some data on shipping, but we do not have similar data on fishing activity, military activity, or animal activity. We have a VERY unclear picture of what happens NOW and no idea of what may change. At this point, we could not likely detect or mitigate potentially detrimental changes to the environment.
Is there concern that streamlined permitting might shortchange the NEPA process? Is there concern that streamlined permitting might shortchange the NEPA process? Absolutely! None of us are against renewable energy development. We are, however, VERY concerned about rushing development at the expense of environmental oversight regionally and nationally. It may be renewable, but it’s still development and we should understand the environmental impacts. Panel Questions
Are there benefits from OSW turbines, such as foundations acting as artificial reefs? Probably, especially for fish and possibly for other groups, but there may also be unknown effects of energy generation and transmission. Are there benefits from OSW turbines, such as foundations acting as artificial reefs? Probably, especially for fish and possibly for other groups, but there may also be unknown effects of energy generation and transmission. Panel Questions