X-ray diffraction Biophysics
W. K. Röntgen (1845 – 1923) Wife’s hand
Ruhmkorff inductor
X-ray tube with rotating anode
Syncrotron in Grenoble
X-ray spectrum of rhodium Λ min K series Å (Duane – Hunt limit) White radiation Bremsstrahlung
Moseley-law σ= 1 for K lines σ= 7.4 for L lines
Diffractometer Note: diffraction is a special geometry dependent spectroscopy
X-ray diffraction facility
Laue diagram Condition for constructive interference: Δ = AD - BC Incident beam X Z Y α0α0 β0β0 γ0γ0
Diffraction pattern of a crystal
X-ray pattern of whale myoglobin
Debye-Scherrer method
Bragg scattering condition kλ= 2dsinδ
Diffraction from 2-D lattice Incident beam Reflected beam
Sources of secondary X rays zero order third order P Row of scatterers 1 1’ Note: If the number of scatterers increases the diffraction pattern becomes sharper
Continuous helix
Diffraction pattern of continuous helix /P P: pitch of helix
X-ray diffraction of helix structure 1/R +1 1/p
Generation of diffraction pattern 14.3 nm
Striated muscle Relaxed state Rigor state
Sarcoplasmatic reticulum
I4-1 supernova