By: Rebecca
Physical Characteristics The North Atlantic Right Whale can be feet long. The North Atlantic Right Whale weighs up to 70 tons. The North Atlantic Right Whale is black with white undersides.
Lifespan The North Atlantic Right Whale’s lifespan is years.
Eating Habits/Diet The North Atlantic Right Whale is a carnivore. The North Atlantic Whale eats zooplankton and krill.
Population In the United States Canada there are 350 North Atlantic Right Whales left. Near the coast of north Europe and north west coast of Africa they are extinct.
Habitat/Range In Nova Scotia and south eastern United States is where the North Atlantic Right Whales live. They are also found within European waters.
Adaptations The N0rth Atlantic Right Whale uses its baleen plates to filter food from the water. The North Atlantic Right Whale’s black camouflage blends in with the bottom of the ocean. The North Atlantic Right Whale’s nose is to smell their food.
Fun Facts The North Atlantic Right Whale’s calves are feet long. The water skimming across the North Atlantic Right Whale’s baleen plates make a clicking baleen rattle.
Endangered Because They’re endangered because human activities, entanglement in fishing gear, habitat degradation, and ship strikes.
Reference Defenders of the Wild ov