Classical Concerto Solo instrument and orchestra Three movements –Fast - sonata-allegro with double exposition –Slow - lyric - in key close to tonic –Fast (very fast) - rondo, theme and variations Cadenza
Mozart - Piano Concerto in G maj. K453 Display piece for his own public performance Allegro - first-movement concerto form Andante - lyrical Allegretto, Presto - theme and variations
Classical Women Virtuosos Proper and noble for upper-middle-class women to study music Maria Anna Mozart ( ) –Known as Nannerl - pianist Maria Theresa von Paradis ( ) –Pianist, organist and composer Barbara von Ployer (student of Mozart’s)
Classical Sonata Instrumental work for 1 or 2 instruments 3 or 4 contrasting movements Important genre for amateurs as well as concert artists Beethoven’s piano sonatas - most significant in the solo literature for that instrument.
Beethoven - Pathetique Sonata Grave, Allegro di molto e con brio –Sonata-allegro form Adagio cantabile –Rondo form - A-B-A-C-A –Slow and songful Allegro - rondo form –Rondo form - A-B-A-C-A-B-A