I. 緒論 1. 「文藝」復興 ? 2. 全才藝術家 ? 3. Art: 藝術還是技術 ? 機械技術 (arts méchaniques) 自由技術 (arts libéraux)
II. 藝術與科學的結合
Botticelli 1484 Venus
Da Vinci 1492 selon Vitruve
Bramante 1502 Tempietto
Bramante st peter's plan
佛羅倫斯大教堂 與新的藝術目標 Ghiberti vs. Brunelleschi
Florence cathedral
Ghiberti 1401 Issac
Brunelleschi 1401 abraham
Ghiberti North door
Ghiberti Porte de Paradis
Ghiberti Porte de Paradis Essau
Ghiberti Porte de Paradis Selfportrait
Florence cathedral dome
Florence cathedral plan
III. 數學性的繪畫法則: 線性透視 (Linear perspective) 的 「發明」 ( 再發現 ?) perspective ← perspicio ★ Giotto ★ Brunelleschi 的實驗
Giotto Chapel Arena
Giotto chapel Arena
Brunelleschi Perspective
Brunelleschi perspective
Masaccio 1428 Trinity perspective
Masaccio 1427 Eexpulsion
Perspective 1435 Alberti
perspective 1435 Alberti
Uccello 1450 Battle san Romano
Da Vinci 1484 Virgin
Da Vinci Last Supper
Da Vinci - refectory-supper
Della Francesca 1460 Flagellation
Della Francesca schema
Fouquet 1458 Entrée Charles IV à St. Denis
Da Vinci 1485 Codex Atlanticus
Holbein 1533 Ambassadors
IV. 古典主義: 米開朗基羅 ( )
Statue de Miche-ange
Michel-ange Pietà
Enguerrand Quarton Pietà de Villeneuve-lès-Avignon
Michel-Ange David
Donatello 1432 David Bernini David Michel-ange
Michel Ange Moise
Michel-ange Sixtine Ceiling
The Erythraean Sibyl
The Delphic Sibyl
V. 矯飾主義:
Michel-Ange victory
Michel-Ange Last Judgment
St Peter
Jean the Baptist
St. Lawrence
St Bartholomew
The Elect
Last Trumpet
Soul Ascending to Heaven
Soul carried down To Hell
Charon’s Bark
Minos, King of Hell
Sistine Chapel
Pieta with self-portrait
Bronzino St. Lawrence
Parmigianino 1534 Modonna of long neck