Project: 1.2 Project Name: Control and Energy Management for Microgrids Project Lead: R. Iravani (University of Toronto) Researchers: D. Paradis (Masters) F. Kazem (Ph.D.) M. Solaiman (Ph.D.) A. Etemadi (PH.D.) M. Graovac & X. Wang (SRA) October 18, Toronto
2 Load WindStorage CHPDiesel PV Gas-Turbine Wind PV CHP PV EV & PHEV External Signal(s) Central Controller & EMS
Milestones: 2011: Determine control strategies for urban and rural microgrids (90% complete) 2012: - Develop (linear) dynamic models of typical microgrids for control design/analysis (70% completed) - Identify hardware environment for digital implementation of control algorithms (80% completed) 2013: Identify, select, and evaluate communication requirements and infrastructure for control (and protection) of microgrids (15% complete)
Milestones (Continued) : Control Platform
Milestones (continued): 2014: Evaluate microgrid controls performance (in coordination with the protection system) - Time-domain simulation (15% complete) - Experimental-setups (20% completed) - Beta tests (30% completed) - Hardware-in-the-loop (20% complete)
Milestones (Continued): Hardware-in-the-loop Platform based on TRDS and NI-CRIO
Milestones (continued): 2015: Identify test sites for selected test scenarios (0% complete)
Industrial Partners: - BC Hydro - Hydro One - Toronto Hydro * - RTDS * - Two Distribution Utilities from Denmark and Spain * - National Instruments *
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