Birds of a Feather-Work Study
Agenda Welcome Introductions Topics for Discussion and Sharing Questions
Topics for Discussion Who does work study on your campus? Who handles job placement/posting? What works well for you? What doesn’t work well? What wages do you pay? Do you have a lot of student employee turnover? How do you repost and fill positions?
Topics, cont. How do you train your student employees? How do you train supervisors? What resources do you know of that you think are really good? Does your institution offer non-work study jobs for students? Are those jobs handled the same way? Do you cap hours for students?
Do you have a Job, Location & Development on your campus and how do you manage your JLD Program? How do you spread awareness or educate your students about FWS policies? What about supervisors?
Do you release FWS information directly to supervisors? Is this included in FERPA’s “need to know” information for a student’s education record? Do you offer professional development/leadership to student employees throughout the year? Do you have funding to provide these?
Topics, cont. Is the ACA affecting student employment on your campus? Do you have positions where students receive a stipend rather than an hourly wage? How do you handle those positions? Paper timecards or online timecards? Any struggles?
Topics, cont. Do you have Graduate Assistants? Are they paid on your student payroll? Can students hold more than one job on campus? What do your awards look like? Is there a maximum amount a student can earn? Who is responsible for the hiring process (payroll paperwork, etc.)?
Topics, cont. How are students placed in jobs? – (i.e. do eligible students find their own jobs? Does one person place students in jobs on campus?) Other topics?
Questions? Thank you for joining us!