API Birds of a Feather, XML Robert C. Leif, Ph.D. Vice President R &D, Newport Instruments & Ada_Med Tel. (619) Web:
How do we work together on APIs? Commercial developers should provide sources and there should be no cost for single and educational uses. –ADA DEVELOPERS COOPERATIVE LICENSE, –Software Developers Cooperative, – GNU licenses include: Other forms of licensing will be considered.
Which Standard(s)? Requirements Sources and materials available for free –On the web No hidden patents or unreasonable royalties. Operating system independent. –Must support: Windows, Linux, and Macintosh Reasonable design Standard’s parsimony –Create new by reusing old standards.
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Only reasonable choice –XML eXtensible Markup Language –Schema Data-Types –SVG Scalable Vector Graphics –XForms: Forms for the Web –XSL:fo Formatting language –SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
The Browser will be the GUI Eliminates duplicate application programming interfaces for the operating system and the web. Provides portability between operating systems. Open to all. Excellent opportunity for Ada!
W3C Compound Document Formats = Ada program output Combine multiple formats: XHTML for hypertext –Extensible HyperText Markup Language SVG for graphics –Scalable Vector Graphics SMIL –Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language XForms for forms on the web
XML Schema Ada button: “In Strong Typing We Trust” Best argument for schema vs. DTD. XML schema can and should have Ada semantics. Need tools for bidirectional translation of data- types. Goal: XML_Io. Provides strongly typed output from Ada programs. Facilitates development of applications that include XML data. Permits the use of W3C Designs –Ada and Web modes
Numbers Create the same numeric types for both. Ecumenical approach use ECMA types. Originally, European Computer Manufacturers Association Now, ECMA International - European association for standardizing information and communication systems.
Real Types are Primitive XML TypeSourceECMA float IEEE single- precision 32-bitfloat32 double IEEE double-precision 64- bitfloat64 *decimalW3Cdecimal *Minimum of 18 Digits. Pentium uses double extended precision floating point registers. PowerPC uses floating point registers for fixed-point.
Integer Types are Derived Type & Derivation SequenceECMA Min- Inclusive Max- Inclusive *integer-infinityinfinity nonPositiveInteger0 negativeInteger longInt64-2**63(2**63) -1 intInt32-2**31(2**31) -1 shortInt16-2**15(2**15) -1 byte SByte Int8-2**7(2**7)-1 *Derived From decimal; fractionDigits·= 0
XML 32 bit Integer Equivalent
Create Unicode Strings by Addition of fields to Bounded_String Encapsulated in generic packages, Ada.Strings.Bounded. & Wide_Bounded Solution: 1.Create a generic that instantiates Ada.Strings. Wide_Bounded with a generic type. 2.Add a Character_Set_Type etc. to a private tagged type. 3.Add a Modified version of all of the methods in Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded 4.Instantiate (Character_Set => Utf16)
XForms 1.0 W3C Recommendation 14 October 2003 XForms: model, instance data, and user interface Separates presentation from content Benefits: reuse, strong typing, reduction of round-trips to the server, device independence, and a reduces the need for scripting. XForms –Not a free-standing document type –Integrated into XHTML or SVG. Examples from
Ada GUI based on SVG & XForms Could be based on either CLAW or GNAVI Need thick binding for operating system independence Standard Ada implementation based on SVG data-types produces output to be executed by operating system or outputs SVG XForms can primarily be an SVG application
Interface SOAP with the Ada Distributed Systems Annex And/or CORBA replace IDL with XML? SOAP
Odds & Ends A complete description of Ada in XML schema would permit the use of an XML based word processor as a program editor. –The design documentation and the source could be connected by hypertext links. To begin this,I Translated Thomas Wolf’s AdaBrowse Document Type Definition (DTD) into a Schema.
Conclusions & Bottom Line 1.Make the Ada and XML schema data- types the same. 2.Treat the XML presentation tools as a new very important API for a user interface standard. 3.Base new Ada API designs on XML standards. Combine SOAP with the Ada Distributed Systems Annex and/or CORBA