©Central Community Chest of Japan, 2011 CCCJ’s disaster relief CCCJ and 47 Prefectural Community Chests are taking 4 projects for East Japan Earthquake disaster relief. 1
©Central Community Chest of Japan, 2011 Disaster Relief Volunteer & NPO Support Fund Disaster Relief Fund for Victims Red Feather Fund for Disaster Relief by Community Chest Joint Committee for Coordinating and Supporting Voluntary Disaster Relief Activities 2
©Central Community Chest of Japan, 2011 Disaster Relief Volunteer & NPO Support Fund OutlineMonetary support to volunteer groups and non-profit organizations working in disaster affected areas. SourceDonation Raised funds2,014 million Yen (about 25 million US$) as of June 13 th ReferenceThe amount of upper limit for each organization is 3 million Yen (about 37 thousand US$). On May 23, CCCJ decided first support to 102 organizations. 3
©Central Community Chest of Japan, 2011 Disaster Relief Fund for Victims OutlineMonetary gift to each victims. SourceDonation Raised funds32,688 million Yen (about 408 million US$) as of June 13 th ReferenceThe standard of distribution is _Distribute 350 thousand Yen (about 4 thousand US$) for each death or missing people, and each destroyed houses to their family. _Distribute 350 thousand Yen per family, for refugees because of the crisis of nuclear power plant of Fukushima. Those gifts distribute through each Town Hall. 4
©Central Community Chest of Japan, 2011 Red Feather Fund for Disaster Relief by Community Chest OutlineMonetary support to Disaster Volunteer Center in disaster affected areas. SourceDonation to annual Red Feather Community Chest campaign Fund amount423 million Yen (about 5.2 million US$) Reference368 million Yen (about 4.6 million US$) has already been allocated to 89 Disaster Volunteer Centers. This fund is used for establishment and administration costs of Disaster Volunteer Centers. 5
©Central Community Chest of Japan, 2011 Joint Committee for Coordinating and Supporting Voluntary Disaster Relief Activities OutlineSupport management of Disaster Volunteer Center, by sending specialist of volunteer coordinator, and sending equipments. SourceDonation, especially from corporation that are the member of Nippon Keidanren (Japanese Federation of Economic Organizations) Raised funds729 million Yen (about 9.1 million US$) ReferenceThis Committee constructed by CCCJ, Nippon Keidanren, Japan NPO Center, National Council of Social Welfare, disaster relief NPOs, and some corporations. The secretariat is in CCCJ. 6
©Central Community Chest of Japan, Disaster Volunteer Center of Otsuti-town, Iwate Prefecture, April 20th
©Central Community Chest of Japan, Disaster Volunteer Center of Ishinomaki-city, Miyagi Prefecture, April 20th
©Central Community Chest of Japan, Volunteer activity at Minami- Soma-city, Fukushima Prefecture, May 8 th Removing the mud that deposited by a tsunami.
©Central Community Chest of Japan, Volunteer activity at Minami-Soma-city, Fukushima Prefecture Washing soiled photographs.
©Central Community Chest of Japan, 2011 Gifts from overseas For East Japan Earthquake relief, so many gifts were given from overseas. For these support, CCCJ express sincere appreciation. 11