Passeridae Sittidae, Certhiidae, Troglodytidae, Polioptilidae Bombycillidae, Cinclidae, Turdidae, Sturnidae, Mimidae Regulidae Paridae, Remizidae, Alaudidae, Vireonidae, Laniidae, Corvidae Tyrannidae (and 12 other families in other parts of the world) Suboscines Oscines Non-passerines 9-primaried oscines = Parulidae, Icteridae Emberizidae, Thraupidae, Cardinalidae, Fringillidae
Birds Of Paradise - Paradisaeidae Kyle Parsons
Facts Family- Paradisaeidae Order- Passeriformes 40 Species Found on New Guinea Australia has 4 species, three of which are rifle birds.
Geographic Distribution
Rifle Birds Paradise riflebird Ptiloris paradiseus Magnificent Riflebird Ptiloris magnificus Victoria’s rifle bird
Evolution different species occupy different elevational zones from near sea level to nearly 3000 m above it This phenomenon and shows how different genera are partitioned within and among elevational zones.
Lophorina Astrapia Diphyllodes Parotia Drepanornis Epimachus
Plumage Diversity Ribbon-tailed Wilsons Royaly adorned
Blue Bird of Paradise Red Bird of Paradise Ribbon tail Majesty in Miniture ( one of the smallest)
Morphology All Species have 10 primaries and 12 tail feathers Most highly sexually dimorphic 5% monogamous The rest are polygynous.
Mating Raggian bird of Paradise Goldies Blue bird of Paradise
Ballerina Dance Wispered Superb Bird of Paradise
Nesting Munacodes Females build nest and are solitary nesters raise general nest types, ground level, on tree branches, in dense foliage.
Corvidae Crows, Jays and their allies Magpie jays Of Central/ South America
Red-billed chough (“chuff”) Jackdaw Rook European corvids
nutcrackers Clark’s European
Indian treepie Black-billed magpie
Jays European GreenGray Blue
A superstition from the time of Charles II claims that when there are no longer ravens in the Tower of London, both the White Tower and the kingdom will fall
F. Laniidae -Shrikes Northern Loggerhead
F. Vireonidae vireos Green Shrike Vireo (Panama) White-eyed Vireo Black-capped Vireo
Blue-headed Plumbeous Warbling Gray
Passeridae Sittidae, Certhiidae, Troglodytidae, Polioptilidae Bombycillidae, Cinclidae, Turdidae, Sturnidae, Mimidae Regulidae Paridae, Remizidae, Alaudidae, Vireonidae, Laniidae, Corvidae Tyrannidae (and 12 other families in other parts of the world) Suboscines Oscines Non-passerines 9-primaried oscines = Parulidae, Icteridae Emberizidae, Thraupidae, Cardinalidae, Fringillidae
F Regulidae – Kinglets Diet: scale insects, aphids, and bark beetles
Palearctic Nearctic
Passeridae Sittidae, Certhiidae, Troglodytidae, Polioptilidae Bombycillidae, Cinclidae, Turdidae, Sturnidae, Mimidae Regulidae Paridae, Remizidae, Alaudidae, Vireonidae, Laniidae, Corvidae Tyrannidae (and 12 other families in other parts of the world) Suboscines Oscines Non-passerines 9-primaried oscines = Parulidae, Icteridae Emberizidae, Thraupidae, Cardinalidae, Fringillidae
F Sittidae – nuthatches Beautiful Nuthatch Of SE Asia
F. Certhiidae Treecreepers Northern hemisphere
F. Troglodytidae - wrens Cactus Canyon Rock
Bewick’s White Supracillium White throat Marsh House
Troglodyte = cave dweller
F. Polioptilidae (grey feather) Gnatcatchers Blue-gray Black-tailed Also Black-capped, California