Sixth Grade Unit 3 Week 1 Tyanna Bischoff, Hawthorne
Words to Know hatchet ignite painstaking quill registered smoldered stiffened
A small ax with a short handle, for use with one hand hatchet Hatchet Ignite Painstaking Quill Registered Smoldered stiffened
To have been made or become rigid; fixed stiffened Hatchet Ignite Painstaking Quill Registered Smoldered stiffened
Very careful; particular; diligent painstaking Hatchet Ignite Painstaking Quill Registered Smoldered stiffened
Burned and smoked without flame smoldered Hatchet Ignite Painstaking Quill Registered Smoldered stiffened
To set on fire ignite Hatchet Ignite Painstaking Quill Registered Smoldered stiffened
Hatchet Ignite Painstaking Quill Registered Smoldered stiffened quill A stiff, sharp hair or spine like the pointed end of a feather
Hatchet Ignite Painstaking Quill Registered Smoldered stiffened registered To have had some effect; to have made an impression
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? I took a hatchet and began to cut a dead branch into firewood. saw ax
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Slowly it registered in my mind that I was not at home. slipped came to
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My whole body had stiffened from sleeping with only a sleeping bag between me and the remarkably hard ground. rigid ached
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? We stayed up late last night until the campfire was only ash and embers that smoldered. glowed smoked
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Daniel built the fire, using painstaking care. particular reckless
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? We needed to ignite the paper before placing it in the fire. rip set fire
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? He told me it was a quill from a porcupine. Sharp spine feather