Teresa A. Burgess, Coordinator Elmira Feather, Federal Grants Specialist 2014 Update Title II-A: Consolidated Federal & State Grant Application (CFSGA)
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Click on Title II-A, Teacher Quality
Title II-A – review the tabs –Needs Assessment –Activities –Program Coordination –Budget District Contacts – Updated through ISEE Comments Section Submit/Assurance Button
Needs Assessment tab -- Who should be involved in this process? LEA Title II-A Coordinator LEA Administrators School Leaders Teachers (Including Title I Teachers) As well as… Paraprofessionals Parents Business leaders Private school officials (re: professional development for their teachers )
Guiding Questions What/How was the Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) data analysis conducted? What/How was the student achievement data analysis conducted? What/How was the staff professional development needs assessment conducted?
What is the process? Identify teacher quality needs using: –HQT and other teacher/paraprofessionals data –Star Rating, test score reports, and school improvement/restructuring plans –Staff development plans and records –Teacher recruitment information –Teacher retention data –Input from teachers, paraprofessionals, parents, private school officials
Examples of Data to Analyze Federal HQT/Credential Report from ISEE Student achievement results Teacher attrition/retirement projections Hard-to-fill positions Distribution of Non-HQ or inexperienced teachers Staff Development Surveys Private School Participation/Surveys
Develop Goals Determine where efforts should be focused for the upcoming year. What does the data tell you? What matters the most toward reaching Title II-A goals and attaining/maintaining student growth?
Activities tab List only those activities that Title II-A will support or fund. Activity description should be detailed. Description of how activity will improve student achievement should be detailed. Scientific-based research behind the activity must be sited for plan approval. Describe LEA plan for using Title II-A to achieve or maintain 100% HQT.
Activities Guidance Technology such as iPads, computers, software, etc. cannot be purchased with Title II-A dollars. Title II-A can provide training on how to incorporate these technologies into the school setting, but cannot purchase the tool itself. Class Size Reduction teachers (Limited Use) Only allowable if district is 100% highly qualified Must conduct annual needs assessment Must be highly qualified at the time of hire Grades K-3 only Activity must address the CSR criteria
Class Size Reduction ** NOTE: Information from USDE indicates that CSR will no longer be an option once reauthorization happens. Class Size Reduction Criteria 1. Based upon a needs assessment, 2. Must reduce class size to 17 or fewer, 3. In grades k-3, 4. In classes taught by highly qualified teachers who adjust instructional strategies to fit reduced-class size, 5. For schools with at risk populations of students, 6. Where the effort is sustained for the cohort group for at least 2 years
Program Coordination tab How Title II-A professional development be coordinated with professional development provided through other programs? Describe the professional development that will be available to teachers and principals and how these activities will meet their needs. Describe how training will be provided for various needs whether the training is funded with Title II-A dollars or not.
Budget tab Preliminary numbers are loaded. Carry over – “reasonable and necessary amount” will be up to 25% from this year forward. Anything over 25%, please provide explanation for carry-over amount and plan for coming year. Salaries – Personnel Providing Professional Development for teachers: –List FTE and explanation of who/what – must align with activities tab –Full-release mentor teachers –Professional Development Staff/Instructional Coaches –Federal Program Directors – portion of salary to match portion of time on Title II-A –Substitutes for teachers attending professional development –Class-size reduction teachers as noted and discussed in earlier slides Line Items on Budget Page must align directly to Activities
Contacts Teresa A. Burgess – Title II-A Coordinator – Elmira Feather – Federal Grants Specialist –