Phylum Echinodermata Monday March 15 th Daily Learning Objective: Students will understand the basic characteristics of Echinoderms: crinoids, brittle stars, sea stars, sea urchins, and sea cucumbers
Agenda ▫Do Now ▫Complete Pre-lab Lab 9 – Goldfish Respiration ▫Characteristics of Echinoderms – notes and film clips ▫If time: work on Vertebrate Project and/or make sure your Invertebrate Grid is up to date
Homework Vertebrate Grid; Work Cited and Trading Cards due no later than Friday The Unit 7 Review will be posted by Wednesday Unit 7 Test is Wednesday March 31 st.
Do Now 1)What happens to the number of heart chambers as animals become more complex? 2)What is the general trend in fertilization as animals become more complex? 3)What phylum of vertebrates were the first to be able to live entirely out of water?
Pre-lab Read short article about Endotherms and Ectotherms Complete pre-lab – make sure you complete the hypothesis with If…then…because statements
Critical Thinking All echinoderms require oxygen for respiration but they lack a respiratory system. As you learn about these interesting animals, figure out how they get the oxygen required for cellular respiration to occur. How is that linked to photosynthesis?
Basic Characteristics Symmetry ▫All echinoderms have Radial Symmetry BUT… they develop from bilateral larvae More closely related to Chordates than other Invertebrates ▫Develop as deuterostomes rather than protostomes
Basic Characteristics Cont’d Endoskeleton ▫Ossicles of calcium carbonate attached to spines or spicules Enchinoderm = “spiny skin” Water Vascular System ▫Water filled canals inside body Tube Feet ▫Small extensions of the water vascular system ▫Aid in – feeding, movement, respiration, excretion
Classification 7,000 species of echinoderms in 6 classes
Class Crinoidea Examples = crinoids ▫Sea lilies, and feather stars Minimal movement ▫Some are sessile as adults = sea lilies Tube feet serve as a respiratory surface Sea Lily Feather Star – Click Picture to See Video
Class Ophiuroidea Name means “snake like”snake like Examples = basket stars and brittle stars Largest Class ▫Characterized by long narrow arms which allow quick movement Basket Star Brittle Star
Class Echinoidea Name means “spinelike” Example = Sea Urchins and Sand Dollars Rigid exoskeleton called a test ▫Encloses the internal organs ▫Sea Urchin EatingSea Urchin Eating Click on the picture to view Sand Dollar Movement
Class Holothuroidia Name Means “water polyp” ▫When their tentacles are extended they resemble the polyp form of some cnidarians Examples = Sea Cucumbers Live on the sea bottom ▫Crawl and burrow into soft sediment Eats by cleaning food off tentacles
Class Asteroidia Name Means “starlike” Tube Feet are used in:Tube Feet ▫MovementMovement ▫Capturing PreyCapturing Prey ▫Gas Exchange Have TWO stomachs – Cardiac and Pyloric ▫Digestion occurs in this order:Digestion occurs in this order: Cardiac Stomach – Pyloric Stomach – Digestive Glands Remarkable Regeneration