Muscle Energy The Principles
Muscle Energy Principles Obtain an accurate, segmental diagnosis using muscle energy terminology. This allows you to know what you are trying to treat and how to approach it.
Motion Basics Vertebral Motion
Motion Basics Vertebral motion is named for the rotation of the anterior portion of the vertebral body If no rotation is present, the transverse processes and the facet pairs will feel “even” when palpated. Body Transverse Process Facet
Motion Basics Right rotation gives a deep left TP and a prominent right TP
Motion Basics Left rotation gives a prominent left TP and a deep right TP
Motion Basics Sidebending motion is named for the low (convex) side (TP) of the vertebra LEFT RIGHT
Which Vertebra is Dysfunctional?
Muscle Energy Principles Accurately position the patient at the feather edge of the barrier using either direct or indirect positioning. Remember, muscle energy can be a direct or indirect treatment. The feather edge of the barrier is the beginning of maximal tension or ease.
Muscle Energy Principles Obtain an accurate, segmental diagnosis using muscle energy terminology.
Muscle Energy Principles Utilize an unyielding counterforce against the patients effort. This does not take much force, but it should balance the patients effort.
Muscle Energy Principles Utilize the correct amount of force - the appropriate direction, vector, amount, and duration. This is the key to getting good results.
Muscle Energy Principles Have the patient completely relax. This step is the crucial one. It the patient does not relax completely, the treatment is much less effective.
Muscle Energy Principles Retest To see if what you did worked and if you need to do more.
Muscle Energy Principles Reassess and repeat the steps until no further change is noted. If you achieve a 30% change in the tissues, the patients body will do the rest.
The Upper Half of the Body Using Muscle Energy
Muscle Energy Treatment Cervicals: O/A A/A C 3 -C 7
Muscle Energy Treatment Thoracics: Flexed Extended T 12 Ribs: Inspired Expired
Muscle Energy Treatment Upper Extremity: Shoulder Radius Ulna Wrist Hand
Muscle Energy Treatment Can you treat the viscera with ME?