Sunset Heights Civic Club General Meeting April 30 th 2009
Agenda Minutes from Feb meeting Super Neighborhood update Citizen Patrol update Yard of the Month Merging with East Sunset Heights Halbert Park safety
Super Neighborhood The super neighborhood has accepted its by- laws. Each participating association will need to have its approved list of delegates. The delegate attending the next meeting will hand in a letter from the association with the list of delegates and a signature from a board member of the association. Also the next meeting will be when the officers are elected (president, vice-president, secretary) Next meeting – Tuesday May 19 th 6:30 at the Height’s fire house located at Yale and 12th.
Super Neighborhood Delegates Delegates will represent Sunset Heights. More than 1 delegate can attend a meeting but only 1 vote is cast for Sunset Heights Civic Club. Delegates will notify SHCC board of activities in the super neighborhood. Delegates will notify the super neighborhood of issues within SHCC. Volunteer to be a delegate.
Citizens on Patrol We currently have 14 active members There are 3 people awaiting training. A theft of construction supplies was stopped. 10+ street lights have be repaired. Info on drug use and graffiti in Halbert park sent to HPD. Volunteer
April Yard of the Month Marty Shows at 2415 Oxford
Merging with East Sunset Heights Reasons we looked at merging. –Sharing of volunteers and members. –Combined meetings is easier on SHCC. –ESH needs a web site, SHCC has one. East Sunset Heights wants to retain its identity. Probably no formal merging of the boards or finances.
Halbert Park Gang graffiti has been identified by HPD. Youths smoking dope and hanging out at the park identified by COP members. Actions: –Area is covered by the new Citizen patrol. –Increased Trash pick up (every few days). Having someone out there picking up trash usually makes the smokers leave. –HPD has been notified about the gang graffiti and they will be increasing patrols.
Options Changes that would require a petition. –Fence in the park. –Removal of basketball goals. (Also requires backing by a council member). –Improve the parking or remove the parking. There are larger parks that do not have parking. Organized activities at the park to displace criminals. Camera/Video technology Increase positive usage by upgrading playground equipment, adding a dog run, new picnic tables. Call HPD if you see suspicious people or people at the park after closing (after 11 pm) –It is suspicious to drive up and sit in a car for hours. Volunteer
Thank You