Sunset Center Matt Adams, Grant Cysewski, Tara Sullivan
Sunset Center
Who Shops Here? The Upper Middle Class College Students The Upper Middle Class College Students
Why Do They Shop Here? Upper middle class Commute to work and pass by Do not mind paying more for more service College kids for convenience travel to Winco for weekly supplies Upper middle class Commute to work and pass by Do not mind paying more for more service College kids for convenience travel to Winco for weekly supplies
Demographics Race White 42,43386 Black or African American 570 Asian 3,168 Age <19 13, k,15k ,000 56< 8,000 Race White 42,43386 Black or African American 570 Asian 3,168 Age <19 13, k,15k ,000 56< 8,000
Location 5210 SW Philomath Blvd Corvallis, Oregon 97333
Surroundings $45k-56k
Surroundings Corvallis $54k-57k
Available Retailers Grocery Safeway Food/Beverage Mexico Lindo Blue Sky Chinese Rrestraunt Burger King Subway Safeway Creekside Coffee Grocery Safeway Food/Beverage Mexico Lindo Blue Sky Chinese Rrestraunt Burger King Subway Safeway Creekside Coffee
Available Retailers Specialty Stores American Family Insurance Good Night Sleep Shop Nails Now w/ Tanning Canbell’s Cleaners All Family Vision Care Perfect Look Hollywood Video UPS The Car Wash Oilcan Henrey’s Specialty Stores American Family Insurance Good Night Sleep Shop Nails Now w/ Tanning Canbell’s Cleaners All Family Vision Care Perfect Look Hollywood Video UPS The Car Wash Oilcan Henrey’s
Available Retailers Discounts stores BiMart Dollar Tree Discounts stores BiMart Dollar Tree
Creekside Coffee Serving espresso drinks and pastries Offers pre-packaged coffee, gifts, greeting cards HOURS Monday-Friday: 6am - 6pm Saturday & Sunday: 7am - 4pm Serving espresso drinks and pastries Offers pre-packaged coffee, gifts, greeting cards HOURS Monday-Friday: 6am - 6pm Saturday & Sunday: 7am - 4pm
Creekside Coffee Strengths Only coffee shop in area Parking Clean, great ambiance Sitting area Outdoor seating Newspapers Only coffee shop in area Parking Clean, great ambiance Sitting area Outdoor seating Newspapers
Creekside Coffee Weaknesses Not well-known Location Surrounding retailers and their consumers Safeway sells similar products Not well-known Location Surrounding retailers and their consumers Safeway sells similar products
Creekside Coffee Opportunities Advertise more Flyers, coupon books Specials Attract customers earlier Enhance website Events Advertise more Flyers, coupon books Specials Attract customers earlier Enhance website Events
Creekside Coffee Threats Starbucks located in Safeway Drip coffee at Subway, Burger King Starbucks located in Safeway Drip coffee at Subway, Burger King
Sunset Center SWOT
Sunset Center Strengths Parking Location Convince Many vacancies Parking Location Convince Many vacancies
Sunset Center Weaknesses Loss of Pizza Chain Hollywood Video Hours Many vacancies Loss of Pizza Chain Hollywood Video Hours Many vacancies
Sunset Center Opportunities Access (Philomath Blvd) Only Safeway to the Coast Local bus routes Philomath commuters Access (Philomath Blvd) Only Safeway to the Coast Local bus routes Philomath commuters
Sunset Center Threats One of three Safeway’s Many other strip malls and grocery outlets Access Highway 34 or 14 th st Population College students One of three Safeway’s Many other strip malls and grocery outlets Access Highway 34 or 14 th st Population College students
Safeway SWOT Customers 50% from Corvallis, 50% from Philomath Out-of-towners Game days On their way to the coast, only route between Eugene and Salem
Safeway Strengths Reputation as a high quality and a good service grocer Employee rewards program Clean store Pride themselves on helpfulness Combat bargain grocers with club card High number of retail units Location, location, location Reputation as a high quality and a good service grocer Employee rewards program Clean store Pride themselves on helpfulness Combat bargain grocers with club card High number of retail units Location, location, location
Safeway Strengths Location “Very successful place” Jeff Barricks, Store Manager Has managed all three Safeways in Corvallis and many others throughout Oregon Greatest benefit is location Partnership with Bi-Mart, creating one-stop shopping area “If we didn’t have Bi-Mart, I don’t think we’d do as well” Dollar store hasn’t hurt or helped them Might have brought customers to shopping area that would have gone to dollar store by Albertson’s and shopped there Location “Very successful place” Jeff Barricks, Store Manager Has managed all three Safeways in Corvallis and many others throughout Oregon Greatest benefit is location Partnership with Bi-Mart, creating one-stop shopping area “If we didn’t have Bi-Mart, I don’t think we’d do as well” Dollar store hasn’t hurt or helped them Might have brought customers to shopping area that would have gone to dollar store by Albertson’s and shopped there
Safeway Weaknesses High number of retail units Higher price points Marginal quality differences between store brands Relatively high employee turnover Doesn’t offer one stop shop of Competitors, Fred Myers High number of retail units Higher price points Marginal quality differences between store brands Relatively high employee turnover Doesn’t offer one stop shop of Competitors, Fred Myers
Safeway Opportunities Use of customer profiles for tailored marketing/ promotions Internet order and deliveries Outside Starbucks seating New subdivisions Use of customer profiles for tailored marketing/ promotions Internet order and deliveries Outside Starbucks seating New subdivisions
Safeway Threats Wal-Mart Super Stores Win-co Over saturation (3 stores) Direct competition for half of the customer base (Philomath Grocers) Wal-Mart Super Stores Win-co Over saturation (3 stores) Direct competition for half of the customer base (Philomath Grocers)