OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY The Legislative Sunset Review Process Darwin Gamble, Senior Legislative Analyst OPPAGA February 16, 2009 The Florida Legislature Division of Emergency Management Overview
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY 2 Presentation Overview Division Organization Division Resources Advisory Committees Questions
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Division Organization The Division has five bureaus: Preparedness Response Recovery Mitigation Finance and Administration The Department of Community Affairs provides the Division with administrative support services. 3
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Preparedness Training and Exercise Technological Hazards Information Management Natural Hazards Supports the State Emergency Response Commission 4
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Response Operations Logistics Infrastructure Domestic Security 5
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Recovery Individual Assistance Public Assistance Debris Florida Recovery Office 6
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Mitigation Pre-Disaster Mitigation (reduce the risks posed by future disasters) Post-Disaster Mitigation (reduce the impacts of disasters after the events) 7
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Finance and Administration Contracts Finance Travel and Procurement 8
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Division Resources 9 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year General Revenue$56.1$13.1$0.0 Trust Funds1,294.31, Total Funds$1,350.5$1,176.1$810.4 FTE138 OPS Note: Dollar figures are in millions.
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Resources by Program 11 DivisionFTEFederal State Trust Fund General RevenueTOTAL Pre-Disaster Mitigation9$19.0$0.2$0.0$19.2 Emergency Planning Emergency Recovery Emergency Response Hazardous Materials Compliance Planning Total138$720.0$90.4$0.0$810.4 Note: Dollar figures are in millions.
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Advisory Committees Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program Advisory Council State Emergency Response Commission for Hazardous Materials Local Emergency Planning Committees Citizen Corps Task Force State Hazard Mitigation Plan Advisory Team 12
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program Advisory Council Advises the Division regarding the Residential Construction Mitigation Program Makes Residential Construction Mitigation Program grant recommendations Reviews and approves Florida International University’s hurricane research work plan 13
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY State Emergency Response Commission for Hazardous Materials Supervises and coordinates local planning agencies’ hazardous materials activities Reviews the committees’ emergency plans Establishes procedures for educating the public about hazardous materials This activity is required by federal law. 14
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Local Emergency Planning Committees Provide hazardous materials training Conduct planning and exercise activities in 11 planning regions These activities are required by federal law. 15
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Citizen Corps Task Force Supports local Citizen Corps programs that provide emergency response training to ordinary citizens Ensure that Citizen Corps communities receive consideration for grant funding This activity is required for the receipt of federal funds. 16
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY State Hazard Mitigation Plan Advisory Team Reviews and updates a state mitigation plan to reduce the effects of future disasters The plan identifies vulnerability to hazards, risks they pose, and strategies for reducing losses The team supports a federally required activity. 17
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OPPAGA Recommendations Continue State Emergency Response Commission for Hazardous Materials Local Emergency Planning Committees Citizen Corps Task Force State Hazard Mitigation Plan Advisory Team Abolish Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program Advisory Council (could save $52,221) 18
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY 19 QUESTIONS? Hard copies of our Sunset Reviews are in your committee packet Sunset Reviews are also available online Please call us if you have any questions
OFFICE OF PROGRAM POLICY ANALYSIS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY 20 Contacts Darwin Gamble Senior Legislative Analyst Emily Leventhal Chief Legislative Analyst OPPAGA Sunset Project Coordinator