1st grade Sailboats at Sunset The OBJECTIVES are to: Mixing and blending paint, creating texture, cutting shapes, understanding perspective. Materials white paper- 12x18 liquid tempera paints red, yellow, blue green wide paint brushes paint pallets jar with water patterned paper scraps (bottom of closet) scissors glue Class Periods - 1 Make sure the students put their name and date on every project!
Painting the sunset and ocean STEP 1 Paper should be in horizontal format. Start with the yellow paint and brush a line across the middle of the paper. This becomes the horizon line. To paint the sunset - Mix a bit of yellow paint with the red, blend the colors directly onto the paper. Encourage long, sweeping strokes - sweep across the page It’s okay to see the brush strokes a bit The paint should not be completely blended - should be able to see bits of yellow coming through. Should end up with an orangey sunset - watch them with the amount of red! STEP 2 Apply blue paint mixed with green to the paper. Work quickly so the paint is still wet when you add texture. Use plastic forks to create the waves. Drag the fork across the page in a wavy motion. This scrapes away the paint to expose the white of the paper. Make sure not to wait too long before scraping Encourage the kids not to dump too much paint on the paper! Or you’ll have a real mess! Procedure print this to teach by
Cutting out the sailboats STEP 1 Cut out the sailboat from the patterned paper. Explain what a trapezoid is showed them how to take a rectangle and then cut away the ends to make a trapezoid. This becomes the hull (or body) of the boat. Demonstrate how to cut two sails with one bigger than the other. If the kids cut their sails too small, encourage them to keep them. They just started another boat! Encouraged the kids to make at least one large sailboat but two are fine. If one is smaller; even better. This gives you the opportunity to demonstrate perspective (large sailboat close to the bottom of the page, small sailboat towards the top). Procedure print this to teach by
SKY notice the brush strokes paint not completely blended see bits of yellow coming through WATER paint needs to be wet to add texture
PERSPECTIVE large boats should be glued closer to the bottom of your paper (They appear to be closer to you than the smaller boat.) smaller boats should be glued closer to the horizon line.
vocabulary horizon line - A level line where water or land seems to end and the sky begins.line Shape - the outward outline of a form. Basic shapes include circles, squares and triangles Texture - An element of art, texture is the surface quality or "feel" of an object, its smoothness, roughness, softness, etc.element of artsurfacequalityobject trapezoid - A shape that has four sides - with one pair of opposite sides parallel, but the other two are not parallel.parallel perspective - The technique artists use to project an illusion of the three-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional surface. Perspective helps to create a sense of depth — of receding space. Fundamental techniques used to achieve perspective are: controlling variation between sizes of depicted subjects, overlapping some of them, and placing those that are on the depicted ground as lower when nearer and higher when deeper. In addition, there are three major types of perspective: aerial perspective, herringbone perspective, and linear perspective.techniqueillusionthree-dimensionaltwo-dimensionalsurfacedepth space sizessubjectsoverlappingaerial perspectiveherringbone perspectivelinear perspective