STUDY AREA > Purcell Mountains > 16 miles of Highway 95 > 300 km 2 > Pacific maritime climate > Elevations range from 540 to 1950 m > Forested with active timber management > Huckleberries and buffaloberries
STUDY AREA > 3 underpass crossing structures 2004
3 Objectives Has highway been a genetic barrier (from B.O.) ? Is highway a movement barrier (from B.O.) ? Are animals using the underpasses? Has highway been a genetic barrier (from B.O.) ? Is highway a movement barrier (from B.O.) ? Are animals using the underpasses?
Has Highway been a Genetic Barrier? DNA from 197 different bears (hair snare and trapping) F st = (very low level of genetic divergence) At least 3 migrants per generation. There is no current evidence that the highway has acted as a genetic barrier. DNA from 197 different bears (hair snare and trapping) F st = (very low level of genetic divergence) At least 3 migrants per generation. There is no current evidence that the highway has acted as a genetic barrier.
Is highway a physical movement barrier?
RESULTS Highway as home range boundary BLACK BEAR SPACE USE
RESULTS Female black bear Home range centered over Highway 14 Highway crossings Human Development BLACK BEAR SPACE USE
Is Highway a Movement Barrier? Almost half of all radio-collared black bears crossed the highway at least once. 2 of 3 radio-collared grizzly bears crossed the highway. At least 3 migrants per generation (from DNA work). At current traffic volumes, highway is not a movement barrier. Almost half of all radio-collared black bears crossed the highway at least once. 2 of 3 radio-collared grizzly bears crossed the highway. At least 3 migrants per generation (from DNA work). At current traffic volumes, highway is not a movement barrier.
Are Animals Using the Underpasses? Short Answer: Yes
Are Animals Using the Underpasses? Longer Answer Underpass Species#1#2#3Total Black Bear Bobcat12 3 Cat55919 Coyote Dog1 23 Elk Hare Moose1 12 Packrat12 3 Racoon35715 Skunk2 13 Squirrel32 5 Swallow2529 WT Deer Grand Total
Underpass Use: Time of Day
Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics
Liars, Damned Liars, and Scientists Probability of crossing in relation to habitat variables ModelR 2 Delta AIC __________________________________________________ HumDev HumDev CanCov HumDev Water HumDev CanCov Water CanCov Water
Time of Day Conclusion: Deer use underpasses most in the morning and evening and less during the day.
Conclusion: WTD use underpasses less during the day, but not different than expected during other time periods (p<0.00). Time of Day
Problem: Variable sunrise/sunset.
Obtained sunrise / sunset tables. Used “nautical twilight” to define dusk/dawn – General outlines may be distinguishable but detailed outdoor operations are not possible; horizon indistinct – sun 12 0 below horizon; here equals 1 hr 3 min Dawn: + 1 hr 3 min of sunrise Dusk: + 1 hr 3 min of sunset Time of Day
Conclusion: Deer use underpasses most at night and least during dawn.
Time of Day ObservedExpected Dawn8746 Day Dusk13346 Night Chi-square test Compares “Observed” versus “Expected” occurrence. Allocate “Expected” based on length of each time period.
Time of Day Conclusion: Dawn and Dusk are used more than expected, Day is used less then expected, and Night is used as expected (p<0.000).
Beware of Liars, Damned Liars, and Scientists
...But mostly Scientists.