Other Poems! Other Poems! These are poems that really touched my heart and made me really think. Samantha Buehler7A April 28, 2011 Other Poems
Love is anterior to life, Posterior to death, Initial of creation, and The exponent of breath Wow, this poem really is strong. When I read this I feel elated. Love is an important key in life. I feel like love is found in everyone. I think this poem means that love is found in everyone. It is the reason for creation. It is the reason and important factor for breath.
He halted in the wind, and -- what was that Far in the maples, pale, but not a ghost? He stood there bringing March against his thought, And yet too ready to believe the most. "Oh, that's the Paradise-in-bloom," I said; And truly it was fair enough for flowers had we but in us to assume in march Such white luxuriance of May for ours. We stood a moment so in a strange world, Myself as one his own pretense deceives; And then I said the truth (and we moved on). A young beech clinging to its last year's leaves. This is a poem by Robert Frost. It is called A Boundless Moment. When I first read it I couldn’t really understand it. Then I read it again. This poem is relaxing. It makes me see that nature isn’t just boring stuff. It is really fascinating. When I read this I think about nature differently. It makes me feel like something like nature can be a “Paradise in bloom.” This poem means that the simplest things, such as nature, can be a paradise. The poem also means that you may think you know something but when you really see it, it is magical. This is because he says in the poem that it is paradise in bloom. So this poem has many meanings.
Our friendship started many years ago. Where the days have gone I don't know, But when I think of all we've done I stop and smile because we've had such fun. I hope you know how much I care. It's friends like you who create a pair. I wish I were closer to share your happiness; But near or far, I wouldn't miss All the things you have to share. I hope you know I am always here. I know it is harder being miles away, But always remember this when I say, "Our friendship is a treasure Well beyond any measure. " This poem really touches my heart. It does this because friends are really important in my life. It is so heart warming and special to me. This is special to me because friends are very important to me. This is heartwarming because I love to think about the people who I can really call “my friends” The meaning of this poem is to say thanks to a friend, for being a good friend. I think this because it is all about the friend and how nice they are. This was made to remind them how awesome they are.
New feet within my garden go, New fingers stir the sod; A troubadour upon the elm Betrays the solitude. New children play upon the green, New weary sleep below; And still the pensive spring returns, And still the punctual snow! This poem by Emily Dickinson is relaxing and exciting. It is relaxing because it is talking about nature, and nature is relaxing. It is exciting because I really want spring to come. I really think that this poem is meant to make people relaxed and excited. This poem means that spring is more than a season. It is a wondrous, beautiful time. She wants us to see it as something more.
This is the land the sunset washes, These are the banks of the Yellow Sea; Where it rose, or whither it rushes, These are the western mystery! Night after night her purple traffic Strews the landing with opal bales; Merchantmen poise upon horizons, Dip, and vanish with fairy sails. I really enjoy this poem because I like the ocean. It is calm and joyful. I feel joyful because I love the sea because it is so pretty. I feel calm because of all the memories it reminds me of. This poem was made to capture the beauty. It means that this is how the sun sets over the sea and how beautiful it is. It is trying to explain the sunset. I also think that it is trying to show you what it looks like.