Healthy Eating, Active Living Ventura Unified School District (HEAL VUSD) 3 Year Carol M. White Physical Education Program Grant funded by the USDOE, Office of Safe and Healthy Students Healthy Eating, Active Living Cover Pictures: Sunset School
Objectives 1.Give a brief overview of the HEAL VUSD grant goals & objectives. 2.Share & Review Year 1 HEAL VUSD Data 3.Review the year 1 Successes
Grades 4 – 8 Sunset EP Foster Sheridan Way Will Rogers Lincoln DATA Anacapa After-school programs serving these students: YMCA, Boys & Girls Clubs, City PEAK/ASES, West Park Community Center Anacapa & DATA after school sports programs HEAL Schools
HEAL VUSD GOALS Increase Physical Activity during school day. 60 minutes accumulated including PE, recess and after school Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables daily. Increase % of students meeting aerobic capacity and body mass index standards.
Healthy School Culture that Supports Academic Achievement Improved BMI and Aerobic Capacity 60 minutes Physical Activity Improved Nutrition
Kaiser Permanente Ventura County Public Health VUSD Child Nutrition Services City of Ventura Parks & Recreation Boys & Girls Clubs of Ventura Ventura Family YMCA Local HEAL Partners
State & National Initiatives Linkages to local, state and federal initiatives: Team Nutrition Healthier US Schools Challenge HEAL Cities Campaign Team California for Healthy Kids Let’s Move! YMCA Healthy Family, Healthy Home A LEAN VC KP – HEAL Zone Initiative
Body Mass Index (height, weight, gender, age) Aerobic Capacity (fitness test) 60 Minutes Physical Activity (pedometers) Fruit & Vegetable Consumption (survey) Year One HEAL DATA
Year 1 HEAL VUSD Findings (November 2011 – September 2012)
65 Teachers & 30 After School Staff Trained in SPARK Parent & Student Outreach Si Se Puede Model $3,500- $7,000 In New PE/PA Equipment for every site Over 2,000 VUSD students trackPA using pedometers 4 times per year 6 th Grade Science & PE collaboration & instruction in Energy Balance Extended Nutrition Education to After School Programs Increased participation in Fitnessgram education 4 th Grade 4x year Year 1 Progress & Success
HEAL in Action Sheridan Way PEAK
Anacapa Middle School Science/PE/Math Energy Balance
Sunset Girls Taking HEAL to new Levels
This is what a SPARK warm up looks like!
Sunset Boys Like to Run & Play! Mr. Huyn teaching 3 Catch Game Aerobic Bowling 3 Catch 3 v 3 Running Can Be Fun!
“The pedometers are a challenge to manage, but the SPARK training and equipment has had a huge, positive impact on our morning PE program. We now teach with more confidence and skill and the students have enough equipment and variety to stay engaged. We love PE at Sunset!” -Melissa Bush, Sunset Middle School Teacher Teacher Feedback
THANK YOU! Supporting grant funded health-education projects for VUSD! Supporting healthy school cultures! Supporting the Wellness Policy ! Being a leader and model for Safe, Healthy, High Performing schools in Ventura, CA!