Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 2 Media Vehicle: Magazine Media Property: Sunset Opportunity Details: Your property can be featured within a full page ad running in the Sunset Travel Directory This travel directory is a special section appearing inside Sunset magazine which features a variety of travel options for readers. Audience Information: Focused exclusively on the West, Sunset magazine reaches an affluent audience who is interested in an active and full lifestyle. Travel is a heavy focus of the magazine. Distribution: 350,000 subscribers living within Northern California Partner Rate: Your cost $1,500 each issue – limit of 4 partners per issue. Reader service listing included. Value: $2,500 (if bought on your own) Materials Specs/Delivery: 25 words of copy, feature image, and website URL YMCTB Ad Partner Ads – 4 Total Available IssuesCommitment and Materials Due Date October 20137/22/12 December 20139/16/13 March /16/13 (2 Spots Open)
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 3 Media Vehicle: Magazine Media Property: VIA Opportunity Details: Your property can be featured within a full page ad running in the VIA Discovery insert, reaching subscribers in Northern California. The Discover insert appears in the middle to the publication and reaches affluent households. Audience Information: Published bimonthly, VIA reaches western AAA members who enjoy travel, primarily in the West. Editorial focuses on luxury travel, upscale automotive, and financial products. Media buy focuses solely on those members within Northern California. Distribution: 500,000 subscribers living within the Bay Area and Sacramento Partner Rate: Your cost $1,290 each issue – limit of 4 partners per issue. Reader service listing included as well as leads sent monthly. Value: $10,300 (if bought on your own) Materials Specs/Delivery: 25 words of copy, feature image, and website URL YMCTB Ad Partner Ads – 4 Total Available IssuesCommitment and Materials Due Date Nov/Dec 20138/15/13 March/April /15/13 May/June 20142/15/14 (3 spots open)
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 4 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: Visit California.com Opportunity Details: Your property can run banner ads across the VisitCalifornia.com website for three months. Three month buy required. Audience Information: visitcalifornia.com is the website of the California Visitor's Guide publication. The site receives an average of 715,000 unique visitor every month. Each month the site delivers 2,000,000 page views. Impressions: Partner will receive a total of 37,500 impressions per quarter; 12,500 per month. Partner Rate: Your cost $1,324 per three month period – limit of 4 partners per period. Materials Specs/Delivery: 180x150 static or animated banner-maximum 40k file size. Acceptable formats: HTML, JavaScript, Flash, Java, DHTML, GIF, JPG. Rich media available with premium. Available 3-Month PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date Sept, Oct, Nov8/19/13 Dec, Jan, Feb11/18/13 (3 spots open) Mar, Apr, Sept2/14/14 (4 spots open Oct, Nov, Dec9/17/14 (4 spots open
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 5 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: MyYosemitePark.com Opportunity Details: Your property’s banner ads will rotate across all pages within the MyYosemitePark.com website. Three sizes available: 728x90, 350x200, 160x600. As a partner, you can run one size or all three sizes. Three month commitment also required. Audience Information: MyYosemitePark.com is the online website of Yosemite Journal reaching travelers interested in visiting Yosemite National Park. Site receives 60,000 unique visitors and an average of 400,000 page views per month. Impressions: 18,750 impressions per three month period. Minimum buy three months. Partner Rate: Your cost $662 per three month period. Value: $1,986 (if bought on your own) Materials Specs/Delivery: 728x90, 160x600, or 300x250 static or animated banner-maximum 40k file size. 160x600 banner (2 Spots open) (3 spots open )
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 6 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: MNI-Digital Network Media Element: Flash Banners Opportunity Details: You have the opportunity to run your property's exclusive banners for three months across a variety of MNI Network’s websites. Audience Information: The MNI Network runs across a large number of websites targeting travelers, outdoor enthusiasts, and LGBT. Sites include: expedia.com, travelchannel.com, backpacker.com, kayak.com, orbitz.com, travelocity.com, and mountainbike.com. Impressions: 329,154 for full three month period. 109,178 impressions per month Partner Rate: Your cost $1,500 per period – limit of 4 partners per three month period. Value: $10,000 min. per month (if bought on your own) Materials Specs/Delivery: 728x90, 160x600, or 300x250 static or animated banner-maximum 40k file size for flash, 30k minimum gif/jpg. 728x90 Banner Sizes: 300x x600 Available 3-Month PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date Sept, Oct, Nov8/19/13 Dec, Jan, Feb11/18/13 (3 spots open) Mar, Apr, Sept2/14/14 (4 spots open) Oct, Nov, Dec9/17/14 (4 spots open)
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 7 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: MNI-Digital Network Media Element: In-Banner Video Opportunity Details: You have the opportunity to be part of an expandable video unit, along with 4 other partners, which will run across the MNI Network of sites. Videos can be :15 or :30 seconds in length. Audience Information: The MNI Network runs across a large number of websites targeting travelers, outdoor enthusiasts, and LGBT. Sites include: expedia.com, travelchannel.com, backpacker.com, kayak.com, orbitz.com, travelocity.com, and mountainbike.com. Impressions: 46,177 for full three month period. 15,392 impressions per month Partner Rate: Your cost $1,256 per period – limit of 4 partners per three month period. Value: $10,000 min. per month (if bought on your own). Materials Specs/Delivery: :15 or :30 second digital video. Acceptable formats include.asf,.dv,.flv,.mpg, mp4,.mov,.wmv, 3gp,.3gp2 YMCTB Video Partner Videos Up to 4 total Available 3-Month PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date Sept, Oct, Nov 8/19/13 Dec, Jan, Feb11/18/13 (4 spots open) Mar, Apr, Sept2/14/14 ( 4 spots open Oct, Nov, Dec9/17/14 (4 spots open)
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 8 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: MNI-Digital Network Media Element: Mobile Banners Opportunity Details : You have the opportunity to run your property's exclusive mobile banners for three months across a variety of MNI Network’s mobile websites. Audience Information: The MNI Network runs across a number of mobile websites targeting entertainment, news, weather and travel. Sites include: sfgate.com, chron.com, MSNBC, orbitz.com, hotwire.com, expedia.com, priceline.com, hotels.com, and travelocity.com. Impressions: 213,537 for full three month period. 71,179 impressions per month Partner Rate: Your cost $1,068 per period – limit of 4 partners per three month period. Value: $10,000 min. per month (if bought on your own). Materials Specs/Delivery: 300x50, 320x50, 216x36, 728x90, 300x250. Acceptable formats include static gif or animated gif. Available 3-Month PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date Sept, Oct, Nov8/19/13 Dec, Jan, Feb11/18/13 (4 spots open) Mar, Apr, Sept2/14/14 (4 spots open) Oct, Nov, Dec9/17/14 (4 spots open)
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 9 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: SpotXChange Network Media Element: Pre-Roll Video Opportunity Details: You have the opportunity to run your property's exclusive videos before, after and during website video content that is running on a variety of SpotXChange’s network of websites. Audience Information: The SpotXChange Network will target online users based on demographics (age ), outdoor enthusiasts and behavioral targeting based on those who like to travel. Site where videos will appear are those that reach these targets. Impressions: 181,385 for full three month period. 60,462 impressions per month Partner Rate: Your cost $1,471per period – limit of 4 partners per three month period. Value: $10,000 min per month (if bought on your own). Materials Specs/Delivery: 300x250 banner with video included of unlimited duration. Acceptable formats include.asf,.dv,.flv,.mpg, mp4,.mov,.wmv, 3gp,.3gp2 Fiji Airlines ad running before news video content Available 3-Month PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date Sept, Oct, Nov8/19/13 Dec, Jan, Feb11/18/13 ( 4 spots open) Mar, Apr, Sept2/14/14 ( 4 spots open) Oct, Nov, Dec9/17/14 ( 4 spots open)
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 10 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: SpotXChange Network Media Element: In-Banner Video Opportunity Details: You have the opportunity to be part of an expandable video unit, along with 4 other partners, which will run across the SpotXChange Network of sites. Audience Information: The SpotXChange Network will target online users based on demographics (age ), outdoor enthusiasts and behavioral targeting based on those who like to travel. Site where videos will appear are those that reach these targets. Impressions: 46,177 for full three month period. 15,392 impressions per month Partner Rate: Your cost $368 per period – limit of 4 partners per three month period. Value: $10,000 min. per month (if bought on your own). Materials Specs/Delivery: :15 or :30 second digital video. Acceptable formats include.asf,.dv,.flv,.mpg, mp4,.mov,.wmv, 3gp,.3gp2 300x250 companion banners required:.gif, animated.gif, jpg, jpeg, swf, jpe, png - 40K files size. Swf-50K. YMCTB Video Partner Videos Up to 4 total Available 3-Month PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date Sept, Oct, Nov8/19/13 Dec, Jan, Feb11/18/13 Mar, Apr, Sept2/14/14 Oct, Nov, Dec9/17/14
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 11 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: SpotXChange Network Media Element: Mobile Banners Opportunity Details : You have the opportunity to run your property's exclusive mobile videos before, after and during website video content that is running on a variety of SpotXChange’s network of mobile websites. Audience Information: : The SpotXChange Network will target online users based on demographics (age ), outdoor enthusiasts and behavioral targeting based on those who like to travel. Site where videos will appear are those that reach these targets. Impressions: 18,382 for full three month period. 6,127 impressions per month Partner Rate: Your cost $368 per period – limit of 4 partners per three month period. Value: $10,000 min. per month (if bought on your own). Materials Specs/Delivery: :15 or :30 second digital video. Acceptable formats include.asf,.dv,.flv,.mpg, mp4,.mov,.wmv, 3gp,.3gp2 300x250 companion banners required:.gif, animated.gif, jpg, jpeg, swf, jpe, png - 40K files size. Swf-50K. Available 3-Month PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date Sept, Oct, Nov8/19/13 Dec, Jan, Feb11/18/13 Mar, Apr, Sept2/14/14 Oct, Nov, Dec9/17/14
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 12 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: theknot.com Media Element: Wedding Venue Storefronts Opportunity Details: Partners have the opportunity to have their property build a wedding venue storefront on theknot.com at a discounted rate. Storefronts are like mini-sites which include an unlimited amount of photos to display property, venue information for brides and links to your website. Storefronts are purchased by geography in either San Francisco and/or Los Angeles. Audience Information: theknot.com is the most influential site on the web for reaching brides. 8 out of 10 brides use theknot.com for their planning needs. 95% use the site to plan their destination wedding. Impressions: Impressions not guaranteed upfront. Partner will receive all impressions within their geographical area for one year. Partner Rate: Your cost $3,097 for San Francisco; $3,494 for Los Angeles. Value: $4,129 for San Francisco; $4,3411 for LA (if bought on your own). Materials Specs/Delivery: Unlimited amount of photos, 300 character site description, logo, amenities information, pricing, etc. Site offers a portal for partner to upload all information. Can be change at any time.
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 13 Media Vehicle: Online Media Property: theknot.com Media Element: Premium Banner Network Opportunity Details: Partners have the opportunity to have their property’s banner ads run throughout the geographic bridal venues to either send traffic to their storefront or their website. Banners will run for a total of 16 months. Audience Information: theknot.com is the most influential site on the web for reaching brides. 8 out of 10 brides use theknot.com for their planning needs. 95% use the site to plan their destination wedding. Impressions: Impressions not guaranteed upfront. Partner will receive all impressions throughout rotation for the 16 month timeframe banners run. Partner Rate: Your cost $8,329 for San Francisco; $14,824 for Los Angeles. Value: $11,106 for San Francisco; $19,765 (if bought on your own.) Materials Specs/Delivery: Property can provide their own produced banners (728x90 and 300x250 static banners required) or run specific banners created by theknot.com. Logo and image needed for theknot.com created banners.
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 14 Media Vehicle: Blasts Media Property: Lists Targeting Various Consumers Media Element: Image and copy Opportunity Details: Partners have an opportunity to highlight their property in this valuable blast targeted to niche consumer audiences. Content will focus on specific information about outdoor activities within Yosemite, while highlighting places to stay. Audience Information: : A monthly blast series will be developed and sent via opt-in to different consumer niche audiences such as hikers, backpackers, kayakers, etc. blast will include up to 4 Co-Op partners. Impressions: TBD – actual count will be determined once list purchase has been finalized. Partner Rate: Your cost $250 per . Total of 4 Co-Op partners per . Materials Specs/Delivery: 25 words of copy, image, and link. Available PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date September8/5/13 October9/9/13 November10/7/13 December11/14/13 (3 spots open) January 12/8/13 (3 spots open) February1/6/14 (3 spots open) March2/3/14 (s spots open) April3/10/14 (2 spots open) May4/7/14 (4 spots open) June5/5/14 (4 spots open) July6/9/14 (4 spots open) August7/7/14 (4 spots open
Yosemite Mariposa Tourism Bureau Media Co-Op Opportunity Offer Number - 15 Media Vehicle: Blasts Media Property: Lists Targeting Meeting Planners Media Element: Image and copy Opportunity Details: Partners have an opportunity to highlight their property in this valuable newsletter targeted to the niche audience of Meeting Planners. Newsletter will provide valuable information and include up to 4 Co-Op partners. Audience Information: : A quarterly newsletter series will be developed and sent via to Meeting Planners. Research has shown, Meeting Planners don't frequently read their print publications and prefer digital media. Impressions: TBD – actual count will be determined once list purchase has been finalized. Partner Rate: Your cost $250 per . Total of 4 Co-Op partners per . Materials Specs/Delivery: 25 words of copy, image, and link. Available PeriodsCommitment and Materials Due Date October 9/16/13 February1/14/14 (4 Spots Open) June5/13/14 (4 Spots Open) August7/15/14 (4 Spots Open)