Turkey has a various and old cuisine. İnteraction with other countries’ cuisine, different kinds of products from Asian and Anatolian cuisine and the cuisine we inherited from Seljuk and Ottoman Empire have a great role in the diversification and formation of today’s Turkish cuisine.
As soup is comsumed a lot, bread has the same consumption. “one can not be ful l up without bread” is a common belief in our country.
Here Are Some Characteisti cs of Turkish Cuisine; Bread has an important role Butter and olive oil are used in huge amount. Although there are lots of different dishes, pastry is also common. Bulghur is mostly used in our cuisine. Yoghurt is also important in Turkish cuisine. Usage of spices, parsley, dill and some herbs as cumin, mint are also common.
Effect of Western Culture The relation between Turkish and western cuisine st ar ted in 19th century.
Migration and Urbanization Transition from agricultural economy to industrial economy caused change in urbanization and increase of migration.
Joining of Women to Business Life Women who are coming home late or who have to take her work to home must find quick and practical formula because of the shortage of time.
Effect of Mass Media Advertisments on Mass Media and slogans ha ve ch a nged eating habits of people; especially childrens ’ habits.
Fast Food Youth prefer these kinds of foods to nutritious healthy Turkish meals in these days.
Effects of Islam O When we think about the common eating habits of all over the world, there is one difference; for Islam eating pork and its products is forbidden. O We fast every year for 1 month, during this fast we eat in the early morning before sunrise and in the evening at the sunset.
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