Applying DynusT to the I-10 Corridor Study, Tucson, AZ ITE Western District Meeting Santa Barbara June 26th, 2012 Jim Schoen, PE, Kittelson & Assoc. Khang Nguyen, PE, Kittelson & Assoc
Subarea Project Scope Develop Design Concept 7 miles 4 TI’s Frontage roads Determine 2040 capacity requirements –4 alternatives Identify traffic control needs Evaluate implementation phasing
Analysis Approach Traditional Approach - TDM –Develop design volumes from regional TDM –Develop peak hour turning volumes (K, D, turn proportions) –Apply HCM methodologies Shortcomings –Estimating future turning volumes can be challenging –Repeat process for each alternative –Does not accurately reflect capacity constraint effects –Hard to predict traffic redistribution due to network changes
Analysis Approach Microscopic Simulation –Too much detail at preliminary engineering level –Hard to predict traffic redistribution due to network changes –Too costly
New Approach – Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model Meso-scopic traffic assignme nt –Based on TDM O-D tables –Model large area with greater detail than TDM Turn lanes/movements Traffic flow characteristics Signal and stop control –Generate more accurate routing and demand estimates
Which DTA Model? Dynasmart, DynusT, other proprietary models Preliminary, uncalibrated regional DynusT model available from PAG
Modeling Process TDM Model TDM Model RDTA Model DUE Subarea Modified Subarea Calibrated Subarea Link Analysis Calibration Future DTA Model DUE Subarea Modified Subarea Calibrated Subarea Link Analysis Modify Calibration QC Apply calibration results to the future model Validate Outputs Validate Outputs Vols Delay Travel Time Queuing Outputs Vols Delay Travel Time Queuing HCS Synchro Microsim ulation HCS Synchro Microsim ulation Modify Existing Future Model Refinement Future ODs Synchro Travel Time Runs
Subarea Model
Model Calibration Data collection –Link ADT’s –Saturation flow rates –Peak hour TMC’s –Freeway speed and density –Travel time
Model Calibration Traffic model calibration –Saturation flow rates –Speed-density curves OD table calibration –Peak period link volumes (DynusT utility) –Peak hour TMV’s (DynusT utilities, adjust centroid connectors, and manual O/D adjustments)
Future Models 2040 am & pm –Determine freeway, frontage road, interchange, and cross road capacity and traffic control needs –4 network alternatives –Synchro and HCM freeway methodologies 2015 am & pm –Evaluate implementation phasing alternatives
Alternative Implementation Scenarios Typical Construction Phasing Baseline Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4 Ina Road TIExisting Closed Orange Grove Road TIExisting ClosedNew Sunset Road TIExistingClosedNew Ruthrauff Road TIClosedNew Work Zone –3 mainline lanes each direction –Crossroad, frontage roads, ramps – fully closed –55 mph approaching WZ, 45 mph through WZ
Implementation Phasing MOEs MOEs: total network travel time, v/c ratios at signals, and mainline travel speed
Results DTA modeling met the project’s objectives –Improved traffic projections –Quantifiable construction phasing strategies –Specific recommendations to minimize traffic impacts during construction –Cost effective and efficient modeling approach –Model is available for work zone evaluation during construction Refinement of regional and subarea network is important DTA output can potentially replace the need for HCM analysis step
Costs I-10 Corridor Study - $150K –Extensive data collection (ADT, sat flows, travel times) –Existing, 2015, 2040 AM/PM subarea models –4 network scenarios, 4 construction phasing options I-96, Newburgh Rd to US-24, Michigan - $250K –Regional DTA model –Construction phasing options for I-96 corridor
The Future of DTA DTA modeling supports : –Activity-based modeling –MOVES – advanced air quality modeling –More systematic prioritization of TIP projects DTA can be integrated with microscopic simulation to better model complex scenarios Multi-resolution modeling) – on-going FHWA initiative MPOs are building calibrated regional DTA models
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