2012 Webinar Series for SLA Unit Leaders Richer Membership Experience Mary Ellen Bates Liz Blankson-Hemans Welcome from the Cabinet Chairs Housekeeping
{Want to follow along?} This slide deck and our report of survey results are at BatesInfo.com/extras 2
3 The secret to a richer member experience.....
A rich member experience means engaging members. How can we engage them? Volunteers create value & engagement. Volunteering creates engagement & builds leaders. 4
The survey says... Surveyed all SLA members on volunteer experiences 527 responses (55,000 words) Slide deck of results in Idea Banks Chapter: wiki.sla.org/display/CIBWiki/ Division: wiki.sla.org/display/DIVIDEA/ 5
What makes a great volunteer experience? I can make a difference (60%) I like the people (40%) 6
Why haven't you volunteered? No time (33%) I'm new to SLA (15%) 7
Why do you volunteer with SLA? Like being part of SLA (70%) Want to support SLA (60%) Build leadership skills (50%) Learn new skill (50%) Enhance my resume (47%) 8
How has your volunteer experience paid off? Job / advancement (35%) Building connections, networking (30%) Career development, prof growth (30%) 9
What could SLA learn? Officer training, mentoring (35%) More "small" opportunities (30%) Lear description of job, time (25%) Recognition, appreciation (25%) 10
People volunteer because: They like SLA and SLA members and want to support it They want to make a difference 11
What does this mean to you? 12
Different mindset Use volunteers to create value for members What will engage our members? What can we offer that is rewarding for volunteers? 13
ID “units” of work Line up two speakers from the conference to give webinars Keep unit’s Facebook page, tweet stream or blog updated 14
ID “units” of work Poll / meet with local MLS students to learn what they would value Monitor other units’ programming for co- sponsorship 15
ID “units” of work Attend a conference or webinar, report learnings in blog / newsletter / list Organize a dine-around 16
Make it easy to volunteer! Personally ask people. On the phone. “Click here to volunteer” everywhere Web page, blog, listserv, s, Facebook, newsletter, etc. 17
Make it easy to volunteer! President/chair contacts new members Invites conversation re: their volunteer interests Create a Volunteer Coordinator role 18
Make it easy to volunteer! Each project has a Board member liaison Promote short-timeline jobs 19
Make it easy to volunteer! For each volunteer project, committee, group, write up: volunteers' responsibilities time required expected end result which board member is liaison 20
Thank volunteers Have prominent, meaningful recognition Highlight results, impact 21
Pitch the benefits of volunteering "How has your volunteering benefited you?" Over 25% surveyed said Got a job or advancement Build my connections and network Career development Professional growth 22
For every volunteer responsibility: What’s the tangible goal? Is this job (still) necessary? Will it make a difference to our unit? How can we make it more fun? Is this a good job for a new member? 23
Supporting new leaders Have past leaders mentor each new leader Check in regularly, give support, pointers to resources Cultivate potential leaders early Talk about benefits of leadership experience 24
QUESTIONS? Slide decks at: Chapter & Division Idea Banks BatesInfo.com/extras