By Mr. Maillard’s Class
One Million Dollars Richer By: Brycen Aceto DateDescriptionDebit (minus)Balance lottery winnings $1,000, new house$300,000.00$700, bugatii$38,500.00$661, furniture$35,000.00$623, vaction to hollywood$3,200.00$588, shopping spree$10,000.00$578, football jacket signen$10,000.00$568, beach house$100,000.00$468, college fund$150,000.00$318, charity$318,000.00$0.00 I want a new house because I have always wanted a Mansion. I want a new car to park in my garage I also gave money to the charity and homeless to help the needy. I bought a beach for my backyard and a college fund for me to get into the best college there is.
One Million Dollars Richer By: Caitlyn Brunow M-6 DateDescriptionDebit (minus)Balance lottery winnings $1,000, /22/ camaro zl1$54,095.00$945, /23/2012new house$792,000.00$153, /24/2012bushmaster patrolman carbine$1,099.99$152, /25/2012 3d TV with free sound system, 6 3d glasses$1,099.99$151, /26/2012the new 4G LTE ipad$399.99$151, /27/2012retirement plan$50,000.00$101, /28/2012all kinds of bills$54,000.00$47, /29/2012brand new furniture$47,305.03$0.00 I would spend my million dollars on a new house, car, 3D TV, a machine gun for house protection, an ipad, retirement plan, bills, and new furniture.
One Million Dollar Richer By Linda Conway DateDescriptionDebitBalance Lottery winning $1,000, Hello Kitty Car$30,000.00$970, Hello Kitty outfit$13,000.00$957, Hello Kitty Phone$2,500.00$967, Hello Kitty Store$40,000.00$930, Hello Kitty Heels$1,000.00$968, Hello Kitty Perfume$2,000.00$968, Get A Collage Degree $847, $122, Hello Kitty Mantion $970, $0.00 The reason I want al of this Hello Kitty stuff is because I love Hello Kitty. The reason I want a college degree is because when I graduate I want to have my life set up. Then my grandpa will be proud of me.
DateDESCRIPTIONDEBITBALANCE LOTTERY WINNING $1,000, zr1 $111, $888, saving $621, $267, food$20, $247, girl money$25, $222, tickets$50, $172, large house $100, $72, furniture$32, $40, shopping money$40, $0.000
The reason I wanted to started off with $1,000, is so it can give me a boost in life to help me stat on my way. So everything I want to buy is worth buying. Mariah Clinton DateDebit (minus)Balance lottery winnings $1,000, mansion$500, shoes$10,000.00$490, lotion$10.00$489, hair stuff$100.00$489, car$10,000.00$479, high heels$2,000.00$477, dress clothes$1,000.00$476, DOG HOUSE $1,000.00$475, big dog$100.00$475, horses$69,000.00$406, softball stuff$2,555.00$404, college fund$123,330.00$280, shopping spree$2,000.00$278, transfer to savings$276,905.00$2,000.00
One Million Dollar Richer By Linda Conway DateDescriptionDebitBalance Lottery winning $1,000, Hello Kitty Car$30,000.00$970, Hello Kitty outfit$13,000.00$957, Hello Kitty Phone$2,500.00$967, Hello Kitty Store$40,000.00$930, Hello Kitty Heels$1,000.00$968, Hello Kitty Perfume$2,000.00$968, Get A Collage Degree $847, $122, Hello Kitty Mantion $970, $0.00 The reason I want al of this Hello Kitty stuff is because I love Hello Kitty. The reason I want a college degree is because when I graduate I want to have my life set up. Then my grandpa will be proud of me.
datedescription debit minusbalance lottery $1,000,000,00 machin 300,000, 00$1,000,000,00 2 shih Tzu 123,000, 00$1,000,000,00 car3,000$1,000,000,00 clothes2,000$1,000,000,00 pool 200,000, 04$1,000,000,00 cherty 100,000, 00$1,000,000,00 candy machine 300,000, 00$1,000,000,00 roller coaster 300,000, 07$1,000,000,00 wow I won the lottery for 1,000,000,00 im going out to buy a manchin, two shih Tzu’s, car, clothes pool send money to charity a candy machine and a roller coaster By Karazhane grant
DescriptionDebitBalance Lottery Winnings ######### BIAMT2 $13.00$999, PRMFTM $245.93$999, Apple Mac book $1,099.00$998, Kindle Fire $199.00$998, THOO B1 $12.20$998, THOO B3 $11.42$998, Black Wii Bundle $149.96$998, iPod$ $997, D Mobile Phone $99.99$997, D TV $1,099.99$996, Second 3D TV $1,099.99$995, Second iPod $399.99$995, Retirement Plan $49,000.00$946, Bills $75,000.00$871, New House $329,000.00$542, New Furniture $400,000.99$142, College $142,168.55$0.00 Steven Henry chose these items because I like them and they make me feel good about myself and the stuff I have already. I like these items because I have never had these and they feel great to have.
One Million Dollars Richer By: Mya Johnson The thing I started spending first on was my New House that has three wings, so if I get bored in one side I can go to another.The next two thing that I spent my money on was a BMW M1 and some cloths I spent my money on that because I love cloths and I need them also I like the BMW M1 because it is so elegant and beautiful. But the most important thing that I spent money on was my College Funds because I want to become a pediatrician and make my mom and dad proud of me because I always talk about it and also I love babies. Next I donated, got life insurance, got a dog, got a yacht, and left the rest for my mom and dad to split. DateDescriptionDebit (minus)Balance Lottery Winnings $1,000, New House$280,000.00$720, BMW M1$300,000.00$420, Cloths$10,000.00$410, Furniture$30,000.00$380, Inground pool$5,976.00$374, College funds$51,991.00$322, Donate to Charity$6,000.00$316, Life insurance$30,000.00$286, Dog$10,000.00$276, Yacht$79,000.00$197, Mom and Dad$197,033.00$0.00
DateDescriptionDebitBalance lottery winnings $1,000, Lamborghini$387,000.00$613, house$370,000.00$243, shopping spree$60,000.00$183, pets$20,000.00$163, jewelry$90,000.00$73, furniture$20,000.00$53, savings$30,000.00$23, vacation$23,000.00$0.00 I’m spending this money on all this stuff because its some are needs and some are fun. You need to have time off and have a break on a fun vacation. You need furniture for comfort in your new home and you need clothes. You need some company so why not a pet. You wanna look nice with jewelry and you need transportation and if you have the money spend it.
One Million Dollars Richer Sam Pflieger DateDescriptionDebit (Minus)Balance lottery winnings $1,000, College Intuition$15,000.00$985, Trip to France$3,000.00$982, House$600,000.00$382, Apple Computer$2,000.00$380, Clothing$10,000.00$370, Furniture$10,000.00$370, Lamborghini$360,000.00$10, Charity$10,000.00$0.00 I stated my spending by putting $15,000 into college fund. I would go on a trip to France and buy a house. When I get a house I would buy new furniture and a new computer. With the rest of my money I will buy a new Lamborghini and donate to different charities.
Million Dollars Richer By;Sa’Miya Newell DateDescriptionDebitBalance Lottery wining $1,000, Shoes $90.00$999, house $500,000.00$499, furiture $100,000.00$399, jewery $100,000.00$299, car $250,000.00$299, collage intuition $160,000.00$49, apple computer $16,000.00$33, clothing $1,500.00$32, charity $50.00$32, transfer to bank $32,360.00$0.00 I love shoes and I just want some more ones that is why I put shoes on my list. I put money to charity because charity needed money for the kids so they don’t get hurt. I put collage intuition because I really want to be a doctor when I grow up and I now I had a good education and that is important to me !!!
chose these items because I like them and they make me feel good about myself and the stuff I have already. I like these items because I have never had these and they feel great to have. DescriptionDebitBalance Lottery Winnings ######### BIAMT2 $13.00$999, PRMFTM $245.93$999, Apple Mac book $1,099.00$998, Kindle Fire $199.00$998, THOO B1 $12.20$998, THOO B3 $11.42$998, Black Wii Bundle $149.96$998, iPod$ $997, D Mobile Phone $99.99$997, D TV $1,099.99$996, Second 3D TV $1,099.99$995, Second iPod $399.99$995, Retirement Plan $49,000.00$946, Bills $75,000.00$871, New House $329,000.00$542, New Furniture $400,000.99$142, College $142,168.55$0.00
date desciptoindebit (minus)balance lottery wnning $1,000, house$500, corvet$110,600.00$389, camaro$23,280.00$366, pool table$310.00$365, dogs$500.00$365, roler coaster$130,000.00$235, lsu college$8,396.00$226, cherity$226,914.00$0.00 The house I want is in Hollywood California I want a silver corvette and camaro the pool table that I want turns into a hockey and a ping pong table to I want 2 German shepherds the rollercoaster I want is called wild cat I want to go to lsu college and give the rest to charity
DateDESCRIPTIONDEBITBALANCE LOTTERY WINNING $1,000, zr1 $111, $888, saving $621, $267, food$20, $247, girl money$25, $222, tickets$50, $172, large house $100, $72, furniture$32, $40, shopping money$40, $0.000 I want a new house a zr1 and food and tickets, furniture.