The Towson University Learning Environment Results of the 2002 National Survey of Student Engagement Linda Suskie, Director Office of Assessment
What is the NSSE? National survey of 200,000+ freshmen and seniors Measures student engagement in practices that achieve deep, lasting learning
Practices that Encourage Deep, Lasting Learning 1. High expectations & time on task 2. Coherent, synthesized curriculum 3. Active & collaborative learning 4. Student-faculty interaction 5. Enriching out-of-class experiences 6. Supportive campus environment
The Fine Print 47% of 700 students responded in 2002 Respondents representative in terms of gender and racial/ethnic status Too small a sample to study subgroups (transfers, commuters) In most respects, Towson is similar to other NSSE colleges, but this is a select group!
New in 2002: NSSE Urban Consortium Boise State Cleveland State DePaul (IL) IUPUI Metropolitan State (CO) Northeastern Illinois Oakland (MI) Pace (NY) Portland State Southern Illinois Edwardsville U Cincinnati U Colorado – Colorado Springs U Mass – Boston U Missouri – Kansas City U Missouri – St. Louis U Toledo U Wisconsin – Milwaukee Va. Commonwealth
Good News!
Most Seniors Have Learned a Lot Here! Say TU contributed at least quite a bit to… 83%Thinking critically and analytically. 81%Working effectively with others. 78%Acquiring a broad general education. 74%Using computing and information technology. 72%Acquiring work-related knowledge and skills. 70%Writing clearly and effectively. 69%Speaking clearly and effectively. 68%Learning effectively on your own. 62%Analyzing quantitative problems.
Students Increasingly Use Thinking Skills
Half of Towson Students Study at Least 11 Hours per Week. (12% of respondents are part-time)
Freshmen Have Increasing Experiences with Diverse Students
Towson Students Have Some Rich Learning Experiences Over 80% often work on assignments in which they integrate information from many sources. 60% often work harder than they thought they could to meet faculty expectations. Over half often discuss their course work with others. Half our freshmen often prepare at least two drafts of an assignment.
Towson Students Increasingly Find Students Friendly
Towson Students Increasingly Find Administrators Helpful
Towson is Distinctive in Providing a Residential Experience in an Urban Setting
Living on Campus Yields a Richer Experience Compared to freshmen at other urban campuses, Towson freshmen Participate more in co-curricular activities. Feel Towson emphasizes campus events more. Have better relationships with fellow students.
Living on Campus Lets Students Focus on Academics Compared to freshmen at other urban campuses, Towson freshmen Work less off campus Spend less time caring for family Are less concerned that work & family obligations will delay their degree
Other Differences Between Towson and Other Urban Institutions
Towson Freshmen Are More “Wired.”
Towson Freshmen Have Some Richer Academic Experiences. College contributed at least quite a bit to…
Towson Seniors Have Some Richer Academic Experiences.