Using Technology to enhance Learning and Teaching in PE Richard Grainger Assistant Headteacher / Advanced Skills Teacher in PE Queen Elizabeth School & Sports College
Task – Self Assessment Fill in the sheet with the hands. On the one hand how do you use ICT now, on the other hand what would you like to do?
Changes in Curriculum “….just at a time when technology is bursting with potential, teachers, professionals, employers, universities, parents and students are all telling us the same thing. ICT in schools is a mess…..” “From September 2012, ICT is to permeate all subjects and not taught explicitly in ICT lessons….it is the responsibility of all subjects to use ICT to enhance learning.” Gove (2012)
Is this a challenge or an opportunity? Challenge for some: “It never works properly” “It doesn’t help the students learn in PE” “It takes too long to set up, I want them to do activity” “I can’t use it outside it might rain” “The students might break it” “We can’t afford it with our budget cuts”
Is this a challenge or an opportunity? Instead this as an opportunity! This is an opportunity to help students engage and develop physically, mentally and socially. An opportunity to use new technology to turn students on to PE An opportunity to help students improve in PE
ICT in PE – What does it look like? This clip was on the curriculum website as showing good examples of how to use ICT in PE Good or Bad use of ICT?
Swap traditional practices with ICT ICT to enhance Learning and Teaching Empower learners to take control of their own learning Engage learners by using a richer mix of media Change the content, process and location of learning Deepen learning through the use of ICT Deepen learning through the use of ICT Exchange Enrich Enhance Extend Empower Learning Deep Shallow Passive Active Pupil engagement NCSL 2007
Task – ICT at your school? Can mark on the sheet the types of ICT that you currently use to help with learning and teaching Have a look at where most of the ICT provision in PE is on your chart? What do you need to do in order to develop your use of ICT to enhance learning and teaching
ICT? I use it already! I use it already, I use powerpoint? Teachers spend ages putting powerpoints together, that students look at for a few minutes They see powerpoint all the time. Glorified whiteboard
Swap traditional practices with ICT ICT to enhance Learning and Teaching Empower learners to take control of their own learning Engage learners by using a richer mix of media Change the content, process and location of learning Deepen learning through the use of ICT Deepen learning through the use of ICT Exchange Enrich Enhance Extend Empower Learning Deep Shallow Passive Active Pupil engagement NCSL 2007
“Can’t I just you a link to my blog, miss?”
It’s 2012 Students go home: Play online games via the internet Have 3D TV’s Use blue ray players Download music to MP3 players and phones Use games consoles to do wonderful things Use internet all the time (social media, watch films) Download APPs to their phones Powerpoint, so what?
Some ideas……. I am going to just run through a load of (hopefully) useful ideas to use ICT to enhance learning and teaching The key thing I have tried to do here is go through lots of ideas, that are Quick to implement Easy to use Cheap (or free) I have given you a sheet to make some notes as we go through the examples, please share any ideas you have to add
Podcasts A podcast allows students (or you) to record their voice digitally, then to download it to a CD, MP3 player or mobile phone. I would suggest you get students to create podcasts, they don’t want to hear your voice? Also think about how we want to empower students. When creating a podcast, students must go through notes Then work out what they will say Record their notes Edit the podcast Listen to it
Podcasts It is so easy, you don’t need to get involved Program can be downloaded for free, I use Audacity I have created a work book for students to use. There are some copies at then end You can give them the book and let them get on with it It takes them through from downloading it to editing the podcast and putting music in the background The students can probably do this already using all sorts of different programs Think about using mobiles?
Podcasting booklet Give students the book and let them get on
Vodcasts – using screen capture or video Like a podcast, but with video. Saves time so you don’t have to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over again You can do this via video, or using screen capture Jing, camstudio…….better still it’s free Link for jing bit Think about how you could use this. BTEC assignments, analysis of movement, improving performance, homework, VLE, revision Link to other departments
Using ICT for homework?
Glogster – Creates interactive posters BTEC, Diploma, GCSE Coursework Creates online, interactive posters. Better than boring old powerpoint again
Prezzi - Powerpoint “Blinged” A better presentation program Easy Allow user to create professional presentations BTEC, Diploma, GCSE
Online note posting wall – Post it notes Online notice board. BTEC, Diploma, GCSE – instant feedback, without the paper Created online, feedback online
Digital Video/Photo Many of you probably use these already Video cameras Flip cams Digital cameras Mobile phones Can be used for practical and theory creating revision clips etc
Students creating videos/youtube A wealth of resources to help you, anything you want. Link birchall Problems with security, comments on the video, internet connection Download it to your computer with Keepvid,kickyoutube Create your own youtube school area.
Mini DVD players Started as a pilot project. Bought some mini DVD players We had some interactive programs, where student could use them to develop their own learning Helped with differentiation, engagement, independent learning. Develop your own resources Or buy them in Theory – DVDs to supplement work. From TV, shops, etc Students have more control over learning Links to English, MFL, Food Tech, Music etc…
Pedometers Pedometers – cheap, free Records number of steps (10,000 recommended amount) Used in practical lessons, tracker Used for homework (how many steps in a day, competition with parents) Linked to theory work Loads of resources on the web, books etc Initiatives like walk to the moon, Olympics etc
Interactive online PE magazine This is called Sport IQ It can be used in lessons, as it has tasks, questions, and videos embedded into it. You can navigate around the page on the whiteboard. A bit more interesting than just powerpoints Can be used for homework, to encourage students to read around the area Up to date material, relevant, not Daley Thompson
QR Codes Used in advertising. You will have seen these! Square barcode Free to set up, and read. You need a QR reader Students use mobiles or webcams to scan the code This takes them to a website. Can be for homework, VLE, revision, video, anything Assessment levels? Really easy, students love it Stickers, posters, T-shirts……
Social Media Everyone has an opinion. Some schools are using it really well. Whole school has a page Shares information quickly and easily Consett School, PE use it really well Can be used at exam time to upload a question, let students help each other Dangerous ground? Use a school username! Needs to be monitored, for comments. Access can be restricted
Blogs Can be used to create discussion around a topic Pose a question, let students get on with it. Developing a deeper learning Students will need ground rules They can create these Discuss an exam question Contact with parent group
Exspensive stuff? – Cheaper versions? Video analysis Dartfish, Kandle etc
Interactive Technology – response systems Quizdom, Turning point, Activote Instant response Quizzes, questionnaires, statistics
Mobile Phones – Your policy Students bring in nearly a half a million pounds worth of equipment everyday We tell them not to use it What if????? A great resource – camera, video camera, internet
Mobile Phone - APPs APPs for everything Search and download what you want For video, use a tablet? Fitness Anatomy Analysis Quizzes Video information ANYTHING
Mobile Phone – Response System Capitalization doesn’t matter, but spaces and spelling do TIPTIP EXAM PLE
……and Finally!
Some helpful hints…. Consider doing an audit of the ICT devices that you have to enhance learning and teaching DON’T use ICT for the sake of it! Empower students to use ICT it will have more of an impact Create solutions to potential problems….before they happen Don’t be scared to try things, we tell students to make mistakes as this is how they learn, so why not us? Use the internet for help, get advice Share the load, money and work Embed ICT into SOW to ensure it is used
Using ICT for homework? Student homework…..analysis of movement. Let the kids go crazy!
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