Importing and Exporting DataShop Data Slides current to DataShop version Brett Leber Interaction Designer
Is your data right for DataShop? It might be if it… was produced by an intelligent tutoring system follows a student action, tutor response sequence (untutored actions OK) is primarily textual encodes some notion of “steps” What kind of data do you have?
Benefits of importing your data DataShop offers: Web-based visualization and analysis tools for exploring your data Secure storage and backup A location on the web where anyone you want can access your data Web services for programmatic access
Directly/Real-time –Some tutors are logging directly to the PSLC logging database –CTAT-based tutors (when configured correctly), can log to disk or to the logging database over the internet Indirectly –Other tutors are logging to their own file formats or their own databases These data require a conversion process Many studies are in this category How do I get data in?
XML vs. tab-delimited format XML Richer description than tab- delimited –More fields –Problem start time –Problem description –Problem tutor flag More verbose Requires some familiarity with XML Not especially readable Tab-delimited More concise Can edit in Excel More easily shareable Less rich than XML –Missing problem start time, description, and tutor flag
<context_message context_message_id="02CE3AE5-F6D F-C34730F1096C" name="START_PROBLEM"> student01 08xz /02/22 06:43: US/Eastern Learn a Language Fall 2007 Learning Logging Translating Tech Talk Tutor Message Format
<tool_message context_message_id ="02CE3AE5-F6D F-C34730F1096C"> student01 08xz /02/22 06:45: US/Eastern <semantic_event transaction_id="B DD83-EBB2-1589FD38D435" name="ATTEMPT" /> _level0.VideoPlayerInstance1.sliderButtonName mymovie.flv 00:08:00.0 cue 00:04: :05:42.2 Tutor Message Format
<tutor_message context_message_id ="02CE3AE5-F6D F-C34730F1096C"> student01 08xz /02/22 06:43: US/Eastern <semantic_event transaction_id="B DD83-EBB2-1589FD38D435" name="RESULT" /> _level0.VideoPlayerInstance1.sliderButtonName mymovie.flv 00:08:00.0 cue 00:04: :05:42.2 INCORRECT Your answer is not correct. Select only the portion of the video where the man it talking about his family. family_words video_portion_selection Tutor Message Format
Same thing in tab-delimited Anon Student Id Session IDTimeTime Zone Student Response type Tutor Response Type student0108xz /02/22 06:45: ESTATTEMPTRESULT Level(Unit)Problem Name Step NameOutcomeSelectionAction Learning Logging Translating Tech Talk mymovie.flv cue INCORR ECT mymovie.flvcue And so on
Tools: XML vs. tab-delimited format XML Java Logging Library –Log in XML to disk or to a logging server – Flash Logging Library –Log to a logging server – flash flash Build a tutor with CTAT without programming –Can log to disk or to a logging server – Convert to XML via your own program –Transform existing log data into valid Tutor Message Format –Validate your XML with a tool we’ve created – Tab-delimited DataShop Import Tool –Verify your import file with our Verification Tool – tverify.html tverify.html
Documentation For XML: Guide to the Tutor Message Format: For tab-delimited format: To learn about terminology: To learn about existing DataShop output formats:
Case Study: Chinese Writing Study Fall Researchers presented the DataShop team with their data, which was a tabular format unlike the DataShop format. DataShop team consulted with the research team to see which DataShop-required fields were missing and which new fields were extra. DataShop team and researchers arrived at definitions of problems, steps, and knowledge components. DataShop requires a correct/incorrect tagging of each attempt, so correctness was determined by a threshold (eg, 0.5) DataShop consultant (Alida) wrote a converter to convert from this tabular format to XML, and imported into DataShop.
Future of importing and the format Push-button import Richer, more-flexible format Multimedia (audio) Dialogue data
Exporting from DataShop From the website: –By transaction –By student-step –By student-problem From web services: –By transaction –By student-step
Exporting from DataShop 1.Log in to the web application. 2.Choose a dataset. 3.Click “Export” tab. 4.Choose a level of granularity (transaction, step, or problem). 5.Choose a sample. 6.Click export button. Tip: “All Data” sample is cached for transaction export, so choosing that sample results in fastest export.