Of the many research-based reasons to talk to young children, which do you find most compelling? A. There is a language input gap of 32 million words heard in the first four years between the children in the lowest and highest-achieving groups. B. Toddler language acquisition increases more rapidly when child care quality is higher. C. Preschool-aged children build richer vocabulary and language when family talk goes beyond the here and now and includes longer and more complex conversations. D. Vocabulary at kindergarten entry predicts 10th grade reading comprehension. E. Dual language learners exhibit superior executive function and cognitive flexibility.
Which benefit of investing in early childhood do you think is most important? A. Improved economy for everyone- developing the skills of the local workforce drives job creation and creates higher earnings per capita in the local community. B. High-quality early care and education (ECE) programs have significant academic and lifelong benefits, ranging from lower rates of grade retention and special education placements to greater high school completion rates. C. Effective early care and education programs for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers can help close the achievement gap.
Recent research has revealed many negative effects of retention. Of these, which do you find most surprising? A. Most children do not "catch up" when held back. B. Although some retained students do better at first, these children often fall behind again in later grades. C. Retention is one of the most powerful predictors of high school dropout; holding a child back twice makes dropping out of school 90% certain. D. In 2001, 6th grade students ranked grade retention as the most stressful life event, followed by losing a parent and going blind. E. Students who are held back tend to get into trouble, dislike school, and feel badly about themselves more often than children who go on to the next grade.
Which of these alternative practices to retention do you think would be most effective in increasing achievement for students who are struggling? A. Implement Response to Intervention correctly. B. Ensure that intervention is implemented by highly effective teachers. C. Implement customized, intense professional learning. D. Focus on reading
Which is most important in having kindergarten-ready children? A. High-quality early learning environments B. Common Kindergarten screener C. Strong, well-prepared early childhood professionals D. Engaged families
In your opinion, a comprehensive B-3 rd literacy agenda should (pick one): A. Reflect the research B. Be comprehensive and aligned C. Promote both quality and access D. Leverage existing resources and invest new dollars strategically E. Measure progress toward results