Financing Development Lessons from Development Progress case studies Annalisa Prizzon, Research Fellow 12 November 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Financing Development Lessons from Development Progress case studies Annalisa Prizzon, Research Fellow 12 November 2014

Development Progress 2 8 dimensions of well-being explored Material wellbeing Health Education Employment Political voice Environment Security Social cohesion

Sustained growth performance, greater public revenues and allocation to relevant sector 3

Shifting burden from households to government and/or development partners 4

Growing financing support from development partners in LICs and LMICs 5

The role of technical assistance in richer countries CHINA (water management) – Financial support from donors to agricultural water management small compared to national investment; donor programmes were found to be strategic piloting new approaches or investing in areas that the Government does not VIET NAM (sustainable energy) – Donors contributed to the design of rural electrification programmes and capacity building of local distribution facilities - a more significant contribution to rural electrification than investment support INDONESIA (education quality) – Donors provided training to help clarify programme goals and encourage the effective use of funds 6

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