Serving with pride and confidence Cyber Crime in Thames Valley Police DCS Richard List
Serving with pride and confidence Thames Valley Police Local Cyber Crime Response
Serving with pride and confidence Local responsibilities Awareness of emerging national and regional structures Awareness of local responsibilities Understanding of Remit Local police forces must be able to action reports of cyber-dependent and cyber-enabled crime directly from the public and as packages from Action Fraud / NFIB, including crimes in action. As an example, this may include incidents of: - malicious communication fraud harassment child exploitation money laundering
Serving with pride and confidence Delivery Plan 2013/ Ensure the Force meets National requirements in support of the Strategic Policing Requirement (ACC OPS/ACC C&T) Review our contribution to the national Cyber Crime strategy 2014/15 Delivery Plan in preparation
Serving with pride and confidence TVP Leads ACC John Campbell Cyber Crime Strategic Lead D Supt Paul Hayles Force Cyber Crime Lead Link to Regional Cyber Crime Unit
Serving with pride and confidence Vision To ensure Thames Valley Police effectively protect the public against the emerging threats of cyber crime Thames Valley Police
Serving with pride and confidence To identify and mitigate the threat, harm and risk associated with cyber crime To have the ability to obtain and assess relevant intelligence from cyber environment To ensure staff are suitably trained and equipped to provide enforcement To have the forensic capability to recover digital evidence To work effectively with the Regional Cyber Crime Unit and National Crime Agency Thames Valley Police Cyber Crime Objectives
Serving with pride and confidence Cyber Crime Steering Group Steering Group established in May 2013 Meetings held quarterly Each sub group meets prior to the steering group to provide relevant updates
Serving with pride and confidence TVP Governance Cyber Crime Steering Group Investigations Practitioners Group TrainingIntelligence Open Source/ Social Media
Serving with pride and confidence TVP Framework Ability to receive and assess intelligence that is technical in its nature Understand communications data in the internet environment Understand RIPA implications Access to surveillance assets and covert policing methodologies Intelligence Staff are accredited and suitably experienced They must be cyber literate and have undergone recommended cyber training Enforcement Data Capture. An ability to recover digital evidence, including live forensics, mobile phone examinations and other seized media. A need to share and exploit that information Forensics To include unattributable internet connection, standalone desktops or laptops, appropriate digital storage, digital evidence recovery hardware and software Necessary Equipment Based on Home Office Cyber Crime Board, Oct 2013
Serving with pride and confidence Training in TVP Important links and training support for College of Policing 22 laptops for cyber investigative training ICIDP courses to include cyber from April NCALT packages disseminated throughout TVP Comprehensive training plan
Serving with pride and confidence Velocity
Serving with pride and confidence
Where are we? A good strategic approach Developing practitioner understanding and training Priorities? Crime is changing!