GETTING STARTED IN URBAN HIGH SCHOOLS Steve Romano-Technical Assistance Director Illinois PBIS Network Chris Pawelczyk-Assistant Principal John F. Kennedy High School, Chicago Public Schools
Session Objective Participants will have an increased understanding of issues facing large, urban high school implementation of the PBIS process including readiness, training, and on-going technical assistance.
Premise High schools are different from elementary schools, middle schools and junior high schools, BUT…
They’re not as different as they think they are! The concepts are the same, but the practices may look different
How High Schools Are Different Size Expectations of staff Staff is departmentalized More groundwork is needed Teams can become layered Implementation comes more slowly
The need to work with high schools differently came about through high schools themselves. Increased requests for trainings from high schools. Teams felt trainings were geared toward elementary schools. They were right!
Readiness More groundwork and time is needed. Administrative overview Coaches Team development Data audit Team development Informing staff Staff needs assessment
Meeting with principals, deans, counselors Present and review District/School Readiness Checklist document Coaching One school =two people for internal/external coach Data-management system, availability of “big 7” data, SWIS, definitions Options regarding time commitments and compensation for leadership team TAD meets with External Coach/Administrator to complete: District Readiness Checklist including Data Audit Working Smarter
The building identifies a Universal Leadership Team Conduct needs assessment for all staff. Leadership team (including principal) analyzes and shares results of Data Audit and Needs Assessment. Inform/educate staff Invitation to training per TAD approval
Training Only high schools in attendance. High school specific curriculum/binder Initial two days (U100/200) One day follow up (U300)
On-Going Technical Assistance Monthly coaches network meetings. Schools host Face to face High School Forum State Leadership Conferences
How did PBIS evolve into Timeline Establishing a Universal Team & its development Identifying data points Staff Buy-in (inform & educate) Administrative Overview What could we have done differently?
Crusader PRIDE Teaching Plan Semester 1 Monthly topics September Respect in ALL Settings October Respect in Classrooms November Respect in Hallways December Respect in Labs,Lib.,& Offices January Respect in Aud. & Cafeteria Monthly Plan Week 1 (long OR short division) Show 3-5 minute video. Week 2: (long division ONLY) 2 nd showing of the 3-5 minute video w/ support lesson. INCENTIVES for student and division participation (i.e. random drop-ins during division, quality work reviewed by the lesson planning committee, = candy, pizza party, etc.) Week 3: (long OR short division) Graphic Novel Week 4: (long OR short division) Review of every PRIDE message to date.
Lesson Plan Format
Why Respect?
Questions & Contact Info Chris Pawelczyk-Assistant Principal Cliff Scott-Disciplinarian (Internal Coach) Jose Gamino-Social Studies Teacher (Internal Coach) Janice Jackson-Special Education Teacher