The School Mural by Sarah Vazquez Genre: Realistic Fiction
mural The students painted the mural on the wall. The mural had many beautiful colors.
Let’s Collaborate! Work with your neighbor. Highlight or underline the context clues that may help you understand the meaning of the word MURAL. 2. Next, write what you think the word means based on the clues.
mural : a painting that is done on a wall or ceiling
The students painted the mural on the wall. The mural had many beautiful colors. The clues tell us that a mural must be something that is colorful, and painted on a wall.
The mural was beautiful because. . . Idea Completions Think, pair, share: Turn to your neighbor. Finish the statement below. Be ready to share! The mural was beautiful because. . .
event One event at the party was breaking the piñata. The St. Patrick’s Day event lasted all day.
Let’s Collaborate! Work with your neighbor. Highlight or underline the context clues that may help you understand the meaning of the word EVENT. 2. Next, write what you think the word means based on the clues.
event: something that happens
One event at the party was breaking the piñata. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade was an event lasted all day. Context Clues: I can determine that an event is something that happens
Clap to indicate if you would like to attend the following events: Applause, Applause Clap to indicate if you would like to attend the following events: a wedding a birthday party lopen house at school
sketches My parents made many sketches of our house before it was built. In my free time, I like to draw sketches.
Let’s Collaborate! Work with your neighbor. Highlight or underline the context clues that may help you understand the meaning of the word SKETCHES. 2. Next, write what you think the word means based on the clues.
sketches: a picture drawn with lines but not colored in
In my free time, I like to draw sketches. Context clues: I can tell from the clues that sketches are things that are drawn for us to see. sketches My parents had sketches of our house drawn, so we could see how it would look. In my free time, I like to draw sketches.
Word Associations Thumbs up if the statement goes with sketch. Thumbs down if it does not. backpack an artist paper colored pencils McDonald’s scissors
The project took two weeks to complete. The class made a model volcano for their science project. The project took two weeks to complete.
Let’s Collaborate! Work with your neighbor. Highlight or underline the context clues that may help you understand the meaning of the word PROJECT. 2. Next, write what you think the word means based on the clues.
project: a special study or experiment done by students
project The class made a model volcano for their science project. Context Clues: I can tell from the clues that a project is something that you make that is not easy because it takes a long time. The class made a model volcano for their science project. The project took two weeks to complete.
Making Choices If any of the things I say might be examples of a project say, “project”. If not, say NO WAY!. a book report making your bed a research report eating breakfast
Multiple Meanings Some words have more than one meaning. project: 1. A special study or experiment done by students over a period of time. To show an image on a screen. To carry far Read the sentences below. Which two sentences use project in the same way? The teacher told the students in the speech contest to project their voices so the audience could hear them. Each student had to prepare a book project for one A.R. book. In a movie theater there is a special machine to project the movie onto the big screen. Each student in fifth grade had to complete a science fair project.
Multiple Meanings Some words have more than one meaning. project: 1. A special study or experiment done by students over a period of time. To show an image on a screen. To carry far Reread the sentences below. Which definition of project fits the way sign is used in the sentence? The teacher told the students in the speech contest to project their voices so the audience could hear them. Each student had to prepare a book project for one A.R. book. In a movie theater there is a special machine to project the movie onto the big screen. Each student in fifth grade had to complete a science fair project.
pride Gina’s dad was full of pride because she learned to read so quickly. They showed pride in their community by cleaning up the park and recycling.
Let’s Collaborate! Work with your neighbor. Highlight or underline the context clues that may help you understand the meaning of the word PRIDE. 2. Next, write what you think the word means based on the clues.
pride: a feeling of happiness about something you or someone else close to you has done
pride Context clues: I can tell by the clues that pride is something that is shown or felt when you do something you are proud of . Gina’s dad was full of pride because she learned to read so quickly. They showed pride in their community by cleaning up the park and recycling.
The student was full of pride because ... Idea Completions Think, pair, share: Turn to your neighbor. Finish the statement below. Be ready to share! The student was full of pride because ...
scene The postcards from grandpa have scenes of the Italian countryside on them. My favorite scene in the story is when the paint blows off Tommy’s picture.
Let’s Collaborate! Work with your neighbor. Highlight or underline the context clues that may help you understand the meaning of the word SCENE. 2. Next, write what you think the word means based on the clues.
scene: a place, picture, or drawing of a place or thing as seen by a viewer
scene The postcards from grandpa have scenes of the Italian countryside on them. My favorite scene in the story is when the paint blows off Tommy’s picture. You can really see how angry he is! Context clues: I can tell from the clues that a scene is a picture of something--something you can seel
Have you ever? Table Share! At your table, take turns describing your favorite scene from a movie.
Making Connections Look at your piece of paper. You have a picture, word, phrase, or something that would go with one of the vocabulary words. Look at your card. Which vocabulary word does yours go with? Once you decide, go to the corner where the word is posted Group share: Talk with your group. Discuss with them why you think your card fits with that vocabulary word.