EBI Proteomics Services Team – Standards, Data, and Tools for Proteomics Henning Hermjakob European Bioinformatics Institute SME forum 2009 Vienna.


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EBI Proteomics Services Team – Standards, Data, and Tools for Proteomics Henning Hermjakob European Bioinformatics Institute SME forum 2009 Vienna

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SkyPainter ‘Painting’ the reaction map with user- supplied data, e.g. over- and under- expressed genes from a microarray analysis Animation for time series experiments Overrepresentation analysis, e.g. disease candidate genes concentrated to a pathway

#IDvalue1 P P Q P O P P P P P O Q Q P O P Q P O P O P P P P P P P … Usable identifiers: UniProt RefSeq Ensembl MIM Entrez Gene KEGG COMPOUND ChEBI Affymetrix GO SkyPainter

SkyPainter coloring according to the numeric values provided

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The Team EU: –ProDaC (to 03/2009) –ProteomeBinders –BioSapiens –Felics –LipidomicNet –APO-SYS –PSIMEx (since 03/2009) EMBL Wellcome Trust NIH The Funding


Lab B Private Data in PRIDE “Collaboration” Comparison Reviewer Lab A Lab C PRIDE private mode Publicly available data Private mode allows data analysis within a collaboration PRIDE tools are already accessible in private mode, in particular experiment comparison (alpha) On manuscript submission, reviewers can access the data in standard format

Lab B Private Data “Collaboration” Reviewer Lab A Lab C PRIDE private mode Publicly available data Private mode allows data analysis within a collaboration PRIDE tools are already accessible in private mode, in particular experiment comparison (alpha) On manuscript submission, reviewers can access the data in standard format On manuscript publication, the data becomes public