Power of One April 2-5 Salt Lake City, UT
PCC Rock Creek’s Queer Resource Center would like to offer PCC students the opportunity to attend the 2014 NASPA Region V Power of One conference in Salt Lake City, Utah this April. The QRC intends to send 8 students and 2 coordinators to the conference, where participants will “learn about intersecting identities while promoting social justice.” Purpose
Power of One Workshops ALLY DEVELOPMENT Gender HEALTH & WELLNESS Social Justice Leadership Creative Arts Advisors, Administrators, & Professionals “Explore the roles allies can play in changing campus climates as well as the roles that queer folks can fill as allies to other oppressed and marginalized groups.” “Investigate new understandings of gender beyond the traditional binary system.” “Examine the ways in which we stay physically and emotionally healthy.” “Examine how queer voices are representing themselves and exploring relevant topics.” “Expand upon self exploration and group dynamics in ways that help us work together towards social change.” “Investigate strategies for actively changing the world in which we live.” “This track will highlight topics relevant to individuals currently working within higher education, social justice work, student affairs, etc.”
Student Participants: As of 1/30/14, we have nine applicants! are expected to actively participate for the duration of the conference. are required to attend all conference events. will report back at a Queer Straight Alliance club meeting or other QRC event at PCC Rock Creek. agree to complete 10 volunteer hours tied to PCC by the end of the Spring 2014 term. will comply with PCC’s Code of Student Conduct.
Outcomes Power of One participants will come away from the conference with new knowledge and enhanced leadership skills. With this experience, they will: Generate cultural competency on campus by hosting relevant workshops and events and by demonstrating their awareness in one-on-one interactions. (For example, Queer Straight Alliance) Reach out to the community, actively promoting social justice by creating and disseminating educational materials; volunteering their experiences and knowledge in the classroom and on panels; and collaborating with faculty. (Pride, possible collaboration with local school) Apply their enhanced understanding of group dynamics and leadership to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and advocate for students.
Power of One Participant Take-Away Nash Jones, a coordinator for the last two years with the Queer Resource Center, attended the Power of One conference last year and now runs the PCC Gender Neutral Bathroom Task Force. Nash also works closely with SMYRC in Portland. Kevin Pfau, working his second year as a QRC advocate, attended the Power of One conference last year and is now a Lead Advocate. He is also an applicant for this year’s conference. He is working closely with the QRC Task Force from Sylvania and reports there are several students there who have voiced interest in attending the conference.
Break Down of Expenses ExpenseExplanationVendorCost Air Travel 10 round-trip tickets x $254Delta or Southwest Airlines $2540 Lodging 3 nights, 3 rooms (2 rooms w/4 students each for total of $700, 1 room w/2 coordinators for total of $300) America’s Best Inn $1000 Conference Registration 8 participants x $85, 2 x $95NASPA $870 Ground Travel 10 participants x ($6.25day pass) x 4days Utah Transit Authority $250 Meals 10 participants x ($8 breakfast x 1, $10 lunch x 1, $15 dinner x 3) $630 Total $5290
Funding Sources T.H.R.I.V.E.$1500 Queer Resource Center$1400 District Student Council$1400 Participants (Ground Travel & Meals)$880 Drag Show Fundraiser$110 Total $5,290