LGBT Pride Month
What does LGBT stand for? LGBT refers to members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.
What are the origins of June as LGBT Pride month? In June of 1969, patrons and supporters of the Stonewall Inn resisted harassment that was all too common for members of the LGBT population. Many people consider this resistance the beginning of the LGBT rights movement in America.
June is LGBT Pride Month President Bill Clinton issued the first proclamation of June as LGBT Pride Month in June of President Obama proclaimed June as LGBT pride month.
North Carolina’s LGBT Population Gay and lesbian married and unmarried partners occupied 1% of all North Carolina households in 2000 and reside throughout the state.
How is tobacco used by members of the LGBT community? The LGBT community has a higher rate of smoking than the general population.
How is tobacco used by members of the LGBT community? Smoking is a serious health issue for the LGBT community. Between 25%-44% of LGBT adults smoke.
Tobacco not seen as a critical issue Even though LGBT smoking rates are among the highest of any population groups less than 25% of the LGBT community leaders interviewed thought tobacco use was a major concern within the LGBT community.
Tobacco use patterns LGBT youth start smoking at a younger age than other youth. Studies have shown that LGBT youth are more likely to experience risk factors that contribute to substance use.
How does tobacco affect the health of the LGBT community? An estimated 17,630 of GLBT adults die of tobacco use each year, killing more than AIDS and drug abuse combined. Smoking weakens the immune system of those infected with HIV, and makes it harder to fight off infections.
How is tobacco marketed to the LGBT community? The tobacco industry has now focused on lesbian and gay youth as an important target market.
How is tobacco marketed to the LGBT community? Some members of the LGBT community view tobacco marketing as a sign of social approval.
What can you do? Take the pledge to be tobacco free and urge your friends to do the same. Refer tobacco users to QuitlineNC Join TRU to tell others about the dangers of tobacco