Community POWER Grant
Since 1972 A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping low- income individuals and families develop the tools they need to achieve self- sufficiency. 5 major areas of service: Affordable housing Employment and job training Support services Youth development and education
Enriched on-site supportive services to PPL’s affordable housing residents 8 affordable housing sites: South Minneapolis Southeast Minneapolis North Minneapolis St. Paul New Hope St. Louis Park
Non-toxic Cleaner: Residents increased knowledge of toxic cleaning products and made non-toxic cleaners to use in their homes. E-waste: Residents learned about E-waste (cell phones, batteries, computer equipment, etc.) and its proper disposal. Waste Reduction: Residents learned how to take steps to reduce their environmental impact through changing consumption patterns, reusing/repurposing items
Led by PPL staff and resident leaders Engaged them in discussions about the harmful effects of toxic cleaning products Residents made and took home bottles of non-toxic cleaner Attendees received $10 gift card for future non-toxic cleaner purchases
Popular with residents 79 residents attended (original goal of 40 residents) After 3 months over half of attendees reported a changed in their use of cleaning products Worked well with resident leader model
Led by PPL staff and resident leaders Taught residents about E-waste and its safe, environmentally friendly disposal Group trips to Best Buy e-waste recycling drop-off Attendees received $10 gift card as an incentive
Less resident interest 34 residents attended (original goal of 40 residents) However, after 3 months almost half of attendees reported recycling electronics more frequently Difficulty finding accurate information regarding regulations for different areas Transportation a challenge for residents with larger items
Led by PPL staff, resident leaders, and ArtStart staff Families took part in ArtStart’s “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” art workshops Engaged parents in discussions about packaging reduction and other waste reduction shopping techniques Attendees received a reusable shopping bag
Popular with residents 134 residents attended (original goal of 80 residents) After 3 months: 60% of attendees reported using a reusable shopping bag more frequently due to the workshop 70% reported choosing to avoid excess packaging when shopping Resident leadership role more difficult
Began recycling at 4 housing sites Held 5 ‘Recycling Parties’ to provide outreach and education Recycling Relay games, Recycling Trivia contests, Recycling Information Sign Making contests 80% of families choosing to begin recycling attributed to outreach activities
“Green Tips” included in monthly resident newsletters Distributed to over 700 residents monthly PPL’s Green Living Resident Handbook posted on the PPL Hub website Provides easy access to residents and staff when working with residents