Themes: love &marriage appearance verses reality Pride and Prejudice family and duty by Jane Austen relationship class Introduction pride and prejudice In this novel Jane Austen : *presented the real picture of the 18th century that includes fine discretions of things , characters ,and atmosphere . *described the events and created the dialogue as if she is living in the novel . * the themes aim to change the ideas of the 18th century , epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Theme of marriage & love Themes: love &marriage Theme of marriage & love appearance verses reality * One of major themes in the novel related to the theme of the society of the 18th century. *The different types of marriage and reasons behind them { economic reasons, out of sensual pleasure, out of true love} family and duty relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Theme of appearance verses reality Themes: love &marriage Theme of appearance verses reality appearance verses reality family and duty Appearance versus reality: this theme is one of the most important themes of Pride and Prejudice.In the novel there are many characters that are not properly judjed because of the first impression like for example: in the case of Elizabeth and Darcy they judjed each other in awrong way wich kept them away from each other.The auther in the novel is sending amessage by focasing on this theme that awell behaved person may be not apure good person just as a pretty face does not indicate apure soul. relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Theme of family and duty Themes: Theme of family and duty love &marriage appearance verses reality family and duty Jain Austen represented this theme clearly through the Bennet family .Mrs.Bennet the mother did not care about her daughters education or in other words she did not raised them according to the chartera of the accomplish women of the 18th century the only ting that she care about is to match her daughters with rich gentlemen and from Mrs. Bennet point a view that is the most important achievement because women from the 18th century did not have the right to work, inherit, or go to school so that makes women feel unsecure and in a need for a husband to survive in life. On the other hand Mr.Bennt the father does not care as the mother to match his daughters with rich gentleman and as we see in the novel that Mr. Bennet did not do his duty as a father as we see in the events that he ignored Elizabeth advice to not send Lydia to Brighton and the result of that is the scandal of Lydia elopement with Wickham. relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Themes: love &marriage Theme of relationship appearance verses reality In this novel Jane Austen writes about several kinds of relationships, 1) Relationship between women –man: Mr. Bennet –Mrs. Bennet Mr. Darcy –Elizabeth, Mr.bingley-Jane, Mr.collins-charllote, Wicham-Lyda, Mr.Gardiner-Mrs.Gardiner 2) Relation between woman-woman: a-sisterhood relation Between Elizabeth and Jane, they are very close to each Other, we will discover that from two situations when Elizabeth walking so far because she is worried for her Sister health. And after Jane becomes engaged to Bingley She wished Elizabeth could be happy as her. B-friendship between charlotte and Elizabeth, they are Close friend, then the intimacy between them is marred Of charlotte's mercenary engagement. . Because 3) Relationship between man –man: the friendship relation Between Darcy and Bingley ,Darcy who leads this relation Because in understanding Darcy was the leader.we can see That from two situations ,when Darcy has given Bingley his family and duty relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Themes: Theme of class love &marriage appearance verses reality The theme : of class or society is related to reputation in that both reflect the strictly regimented nature of life fore the middle and upper class in Regency England. For Example : the lines are strictly drawn while Bennet’s ,who are middle class may socialize with the upper class Bingley’s and Darcy’s . The y are clearly their social inferior and are treated as such . Anther Example : Jane Austen satirizes this kind of class particularly in the character of Collins. Who spends must of his time toadying to his upper class, lady Debowrgh ,Mr.Collins offers an example , he is not the only one we have other than he as Mr. Darcy , Miss.Bingley who dis likes any one not as socially. family and duty relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Theme of pride and prejudice Themes: love &marriage Theme of pride and prejudice appearance verses reality Pride and prejudice: Is one of the major themes both stand in the way of relationships, as embodied in the persons of Darcy and Elizabeth respectively. These are the clear themes That Austen chooses to place as the title of her novel. Pride narrows the vision of a person and causes one To underestimate others. Prejudice blinds the vision And leads to false perceptions about others. Darcy's pride and Elizabeth's come in the way of under-standing each other and keep them apart. Only when Darcy becomes more humble and Elizabeth becomes More accepting then they can relate to one another and find happiness together. At last the novel teaches Us that the ordinary human prejudice in favor of a handsome appearance and charming manner is not To be trusted. family and duty relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Themes: love &marriage Theme of epiphany appearance verses reality family and duty The theme of self knowledge is when the character discovers some thing new that change the objective point ideas in to reasonable ones and that what exactly happened to Elizabeth when she discovered that Darcy is a true gentleman because he paid Wickham to marry her sister also she discovered that Wickham is a hypocrite relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Themes: Theme of jealousy love &marriage appearance verses reality family and duty This theme appears in the novel when miss Bingly was jealous that Darsy admires Elizabeth intelligence relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Theme of first impression Themes: love &marriage v Theme of first impression appearance verses reality . ." In the end Elizabeth realizes her folly in trusting her first impressions and prejudices about the men, and states, "how despicably have I acted... I, who have prided myself on my discernment! - I, who have valued myself on my abilities..." The above are only a few of the major examples of first impressions, prejudice and pride in the novel, as these themes show up throughout the story. Characters besides Darcy are also accused of having too much pride, such as Bingley's sisters, Miss Darcy, Lady Catherine and others. There are also discussions about pride between Elizabeth and Darcy, and Mary discusses pride vs. vanity. Characters are also described as being proud on certain occasions. For example, Mrs. Bennet is described as visiting her married daughters with pride, and Elizabeth is said to be proud of Darcy because of what he had done for Lydia. First impressions can be discussed of many of the other characters than those discussed here, and prejudice is illustrated not only in Elizabeth's behavior, but in Darcy's and Lady Catherine's reactions to the status of Elizabeth's family as well. family and duty relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Theme of women of 18th century Themes: love &marriage Theme of women of 18th century appearance verses reality WOMEN'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS Regardless of a woman's ultimate decision to marry or to remain single, Austen did not present an innocent heroine imprisoned in a marriage for which she was not responsible. Although their options were limited and unpromising, Austen's women were not forced to marry. In Pride and Prejudice, Charlotte Lucas chose to marry Mr. Collins "with her eyes open" (Austen 244). Furthermore, although all of them ultimately chose to marry, Austen's heroines made the reader believe that they might not have married, like Austen herself, and "yet lived, withing the narrow limits of their confining society, purposeful and interesting lives" FREEDOM Due to the confinements society placed on women, Austen's heroines looked to different activities not only for enjoyment but also for freedom. "They were not always useful, but they were usually busy. They knew how to find pleasure in passing the time in what seemed to them useful activities, needlework, sketching, music, visiting," and sometimes used those activities to gain freedom from the strictures of society (Calder 56). . family and duty relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation
Themes: Theme of reputation love &marriage appearance verses reality Pride and Prejudice presents' the a society of the 18th century in which a woman's reputation is very important. A woman relationship with a man should be labeled as to be marriage or engagement and if she steeps away from that her reputation will be rewind . This theme appears in the novel when Lydia elopes with Wickham and lives with him out of wedlock, and By becoming Wickham's lover without benefit of marriage, Lydias disgrace threatens the entire Bennet family. family and duty relationship class pride and prejudice epiphany glossy first impression women of 18th century reputation