Shamrock Pride!
Berrien Springs Middle School Overview Students from 29 countries 60% free and reduced lunch 56% White, 26% Black, 13% Hispanic, 4% Asian Grades 6-8 County Special Education programs 395 Students, 25 Teachers Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Admitting the Problem Community perception Low staff/student morale High incidence of bad behavior Departmentalized approach Poor MEAP performance It’s not the students Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Wanting to Change Staff buy in Administrative support Staff driven and led Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Creating a Team Must be experts Pick leaders Willing to put in extra time Willing to help other staff Reading specialist Not disciplinarians Open minded Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
How we did it Two days in Lansing Getting staff input along the way 1 st staff day was professional development Lesson plans provided to staff 1 st student day all MiBLSi Signage Staff unity Ongoing 1 st week of school Parent buy in Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Interventions All students (handbook, regular curriculum, U-Rock program) Level 1 students (handbook, extra support classes, team planning, reading interventions) Level 2 students (handbook, BEP’s, reading specialist, special education) Flexible scheduling Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Rewards Five positives U-Rock program Student of the week U-Rock hall of fame Activity days Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Data Driven Decisions Weekly memos Staff meetings Professional development days Grade level meetings Scheduling meetings MEAP, MAP, AimsWeb, SWIS Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Results AimsWeb Behavior MEAP Special Education
End of show
Lansing Matrix R.O.C.K.S. U-Rocks U-Rock hall of fame Activity days Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess Back
Student:_____________________________________________________ Teacher:_______________________________ Date: ________________ Circle One:Respect Ownership Compassion Knowledge Success Parent Signature: _____________________________________________ Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ R. O. C. K. S. Teacher: _____________________ U-Rock Ticket Back
espect for myself and others wnership for my actions ompassion for all nowledge for growth uccess for life! espect for myself and others wnership for my actions ompassion for all nowledge for growth uccess for life! Back
Berrien Springs Middle School Behavior Expectations “The Shamrock Way” Location Expectations ArrivalDepartureRecreation TimeBusCommunity and Guests Respect Value the diversity of our cultures Enter in correct door Stay in designated area Voice level 2 Value the diversity of our cultures Exit quickly and use the correct door Stay in bus line or area Voice level 2 Value the diversity of our cultures Safe physical contact Take turns with equipment Voice level 3 Value the diversity of our cultures Obey Bus Rules Walk from bus to school quietly Value the diversity of our cultures Sit with advisory Face forward Use audience manners Voice Level 0 Ownership Keep school property free from litter and vandalism Store all personal items in locker during school hours Dress appropriately Keep school property free from litter and vandalism Make sure you have all belongings/homework Wait until you’re out of the building for hats/cell phones/ i pods Keep school property free from litter and vandalism Return equipment Stay in designated areas Keep school property free from litter and vandalism Remember to take all personal items with you Put trash in container or take with you Keep school property free from litter and vandalism Stay with your group Represent Berrien Springs Follow directions the first time Compassion Use positive words when speaking to students and staff Ignore the inappropriate words and actions of others Say hello and smile Open doors for others in need Be friendly and courteous Help those who need it Use positive words when speaking to students and staff Ignore the inappropriate words and actions of others Be helpful Be courteous Take turns going through the doors Use positive words when speaking to students and staff Ignore the inappropriate words and actions of others Include everyone Use positive words when speaking to students and staff Ignore the inappropriate words and actions of others Wait your turn to enter and sit Share space Say hello and good-bye to your bus driver Be friendly Use positive words when speaking to students and staff Ignore the inappropriate words and actions of others Be courteous Be helpful Offer assistance Participate Pay attention Knowledge Know what’s expected when you enter school Eat a good breakfast Come to school prepared— homework, books, materials Know what’s expected when you leave school Leave school prepared— homework, books, materials Get enough sleep (8-10 hours) Know what’s expected during recreation time Know what’s expected on the bus Have belongings ready to enter and exit bus Remain seated on bus Be on time Know what’s expected during community event s and when guests come into the building Be an active listener and participant S uccess U-Rock!
Berrien Springs Middle School The Shamrock Way Your commitment to being a student at Berrien Springs Middle School begins with a fundamental understanding and an acceptance of the core values of our school. It is expected that all students will demonstrate the SHAMROCK WAY. AS A BERRIEN SPRINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT, I WILL BE AN ACTIVE LEARNER: I will attend school. Appropriate attendance includes being on time, coming prepared and being attentive. I will study. Studying is an intentional, deliberate act requiring hard work. I will demonstrate respect for my teachers and classmates and remain courteous. I will only represent myself with work I have honestly completed and will give credit to those whose ideas I have used to help my understanding. AS A BERRIEN SPRINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT, I WILL TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY ACTIONS: I recognize that every action I take is a personal choice and I am solely responsible for my own decisions. I will not place blame on others for my actions. I will accept responsibility for any mistakes; learn from those mistakes and work not to make the same mistakes in the future. AS A BERRIEN SPRINGS MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT, I WILL DEMONSTRATE RESPECT FOR EVERYONE EQUALLY: I believe that the way others treat me is a direct response to the way I treat them. I will speak in a respectful manner at all times so that others may speak to me respectfully. I believe that everyone has the right to be accepted for who they are and should be accepted without prejudice. I will only speak kind words to those around me and avoid using words that tease or belittle. Back
The Shamrock Way Reward Program The Shamrock Way reward program is based on the U-Rock raffle system. Students who are seen demonstrating the core R.O.C.K.S. values will be given a U-Rock raffle ticket. The teacher should circle the R.O.C.K.S. value demonstrated and hand it to the student. The student will complete the rest of the ticket and turn it in to the office to be entered in the prize drawing. The remaining portion of the ticket should be taken home signed and returned to the office for record keeping. Every Monday a drawing will be held to award ten prizes from those students entered. The drawing will take place at Monday Morning Meeting. Students who receive three or more U-Rocks will be able to attend a U-Rock night at the end of each 9wk marking period. Students who earn a U-Rock for each R.O.C.K.S. value will be put up on the U-Rock Hall of Fame in the cafeteria. Student of the week selection should be based on students who continually demonstrate the Shamrock way and core R.O.C.K.S. values. Students of the week will be recognized in Monday Morning Meetings and will be photographed at the meeting for display in the hallway. Back
Behavior Results Less than four incidents a day No serious events 75% reduction in ISS use 90% reduction in OSS days Polite, respectful, caring students Happy parents and community SWIS Shamrock Pride! R espect O wnership C ompassion K nowledge S uccess
Triangle Data Report # All% All# Major% Major# Minor% Minor Students with 0 Referrals % % % Students with 1 Referrals % % % Students with 0 or 1 Referrals % % % Students with 2-5 Referrals % % % Students with 6+ Referrals %10.25 % % Students with 9+ Referrals %10.25 %92.29 %