Sins of the Heart-Pride Romans 12:1-3
Introduction Last Sunday we began a series of lessons considering “sins of the heart” These are sinful attitudes toward self, toward God, other people and toward material things These reside in the inner person of the heart These may go unnoticed by neighbors and associates They will condemn the person who harbors them in the day of judgment- I Tim 5:24
What Pride Is-1 Pride is the opposite of humility Paul gives us a simple definition of pride in Romans 12:3 It is thinking more of ourselves than we should It is the result of a perceived ability or advantage that we have Paul is warning about pride resulting from spiritual gifts that some of the Roman Christians had Pride may be due to many different things
What Pride Is-2 It may be due to natural abilities Or it may be the result of race, possessions, education or social position or connections It not only causes us to over evaluate self but also to think less of others who lack our advantage or ability Pride is an acceptable sin to many people today Americans have a lot of things that can be a source of pride Pride is a danger to every christian today
Warnings About Pride The Lord warns us about this sin both by teaching and example Paul said it was the condemnation of the Devil- I Tim. 3:6 One of the avenues of temptation that he uses- I Jn. 2:16 It makes Christians like the Devil God hates pride- Prov. 6:17 Because it is contrary to His nature and His will Pride will result in destruction- Prov. 16:18 Sometimes in this life but always in eternity
Results of Pride-1 Pride is a root sin that leads to many others 1.Pride causes some to brag or boast about their attributes and their accomplishments This is an expression of pride that other people do not appreciate Nebuchadnezzar boasted of his works- Dan. 4:30 And was made to live as a wild animal because of it The Pharisee boasted to God of his good works- Lk. 18:12 The scriptures teach us to let others praise us- Prov. 27:2
Results of Pride-2 2. Pride causes people to think they deserve greater honor Haman thought he must be the one whom the king intended to honor- Est. 6:6 He was humbled by having to lead Mordecai through the city The scribes and the Pharisees coveted the chief seats at the feasts and in the synagogues- Mt. 23:6 Jesus taught just the opposite- Lk. 14:10 The Lord will exalt those who humble themselves- I Pet. 5:5-6
Results of Pride-3 3. Pride causes people to look down on those who lack their ability or advantage To consider and treat others as inferiors This may result in neglecting those who need help The proud may try to harm those who offend them Haman plotted to destroy a whole nation over one perceived insult- Est. 3:6 4. Pride makes one more vulnerable to temptation- I Cor. 10:12
Results of Pride-4 5. Pride will cause conflict and division- Prov. 13:10 Proud people usually insist on having their own way That attitude will eventually lead to conflict and division Diotrephes loved to have the preeminence- III John 9 He rejected the messengers of the apostle John and cast out those members who received them He desired the place and authority that belongs only to Christ- Col. 1:18
Results of Pride-5 6. Pride blinds people to their own sins King Saul told Samuel, “But I have obeyed the voice of the LORD,”- I Sam. 15:20 It caused the Pharisee in the temple to praise himself rather than ask forgiveness for his sins- Lk. 18:11-12 It causes people today minimize the seriousness of their sins 7. Pride affects one’s attitude toward God and His word
Results of Pride-6 It causes one to elevate his/her own ideas and opinions In his pride, King Saul thought obeying the part of God’s instructions with which he agreed was as good as obeying all Many people make the same mistake today Others think they can improve upon God’s instructions God’s thoughts and ways are far higher than the wisest of men- Isa. 55:9
How We Can Avoid Pride We must remember that God hates pride And that He loves others as much as He loves us We need to love others as we love ourselves- Jas. 2:8 We need to remember the source of all the advantages and blessings that we enjoy- I Cor. 4:7 And that the proud cannot please the Lord Are you humbly following Christ this morning?